
Plotting functions


correlation_coefficient(a, b)

Get correlation coefficient for flattened a and b

flatten_filter_nan(a, b)

Flatten arrays a and b removing entries for which either a or b is NaN

plotCorrelation(ymes, ysim[, …])

Plot correlation of measured and simulated data


Create boxplot of correlation by observable

plotCorrelationBoxMulti(datasets, labels[, …])

Plot correlation boxplots of multi-start results for multiple datasets side by side

plotCorrelationDensity(ymes, ysim[, title, …])

Plot correlation of measured and simulated data

plotCorrelationOld(ymes, ysim[, title, …])

Plot correlation of measured and simulated data

plotCorrelations(ymes, ysim)

Plot correlation of measured and simulated data

plotCorrelationsByObsDensity(ymes, ysim)

Plot correlation of measured and simulated data

plotCostTrajectory(costTrajectory[, color, …])

Plot the provided cost trajectory

plotDoseResponseCategorical(conc, mes, sim, …)


plotDoseResponseLogDose(conc, mes, sim, …)

plotTrajectoryFit(ymes, ysim, timepoints[, …])

Create a plot with time-course for measured and simulated values for

plotTrajectoryFits(ymes, ysim, timepoints)

For each simulation condition create a plot with time-course for


Plot “waterfall plot”

square_plot_equal_ranges(ax[, lim])

Square plot with equal range


parpe.plotting.correlation_coefficient(a, b)[source]

Get correlation coefficient for flattened a and b

parpe.plotting.flatten_filter_nan(a, b)[source]

Flatten arrays a and b removing entries for which either a or b is NaN

parpe.plotting.plotCorrelation(ymes, ysim, observable_idx=None, title=None, alpha=1.0, legend=False, square=True, ax=None)[source]

Plot correlation of measured and simulated data

ymes: @type numpy.ndarray

measured values n_condition x nt

ysim: @type numpy.ndarray

simulated values n_condition x nt


Create boxplot of correlation by observable


data: Correlations as obtained from getCorrTable

parpe.plotting.plotCorrelationBoxMulti(datasets, labels, legend_loc='lower center')[source]

Plot correlation boxplots of multi-start results for multiple datasets side by side

data1: nstarts x ny

parpe.plotting.plotCorrelationDensity(ymes, ysim, title=None, title_append_corr=True, normalize_percentile=100, nbins=50, contour=True)[source]

Plot correlation of measured and simulated data

ymes: @type numpy.ndarray

measured values n_condition x nt

ysim: @type numpy.ndarray

simulated values n_condition x nt

parpe.plotting.plotCorrelationOld(ymes, ysim, title=None, alpha=1.0, legend=False, square=True, ax=None)[source]

Plot correlation of measured and simulated data

ymes: @type numpy.ndarray

measured values n_condition x nt

ysim: @type numpy.ndarray

simulated values n_condition x nt

parpe.plotting.plotCorrelations(ymes, ysim)[source]

Plot correlation of measured and simulated data

ymes: @type numpy.ndarray

measured values n_condition x nt x ny

ysim: @type numpy.ndarray

simulated values n_condition x nt x ny

parpe.plotting.plotCorrelationsByObsDensity(ymes, ysim)[source]

Plot correlation of measured and simulated data

ymes: @type numpy.ndarray

measured values n_condition x nt x ny

ysim: @type numpy.ndarray

simulated values n_condition x nt x ny

parpe.plotting.plotCostTrajectory(costTrajectory, color=None, scaleToIteration=1, legend=True, legend_loc='upper right', ax=None, log=True)[source]

Plot the provided cost trajectory

Arguments: costTrajectory: ndarray(numIterations x numStarts): cost over iterations for all optimizations



parpe.plotting.plotDoseResponseCategorical(conc, mes, sim, title, ax)[source]

e.g. # fig, ax = plt.subplots() plotDoseResponse(np.array([10, 3, 5]), np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([1, 3, 2]), ‘test’, ax)

parpe.plotting.plotDoseResponseLogDose(conc, mes, sim, title, ax)[source]
parpe.plotting.plotTrajectoryFit(ymes, ysim, timepoints, title=None)[source]
Create a plot with time-course for measured and simulated values for

all observables.

ymes: measured values nt x n_observable per condition ysim: simulated values nt x n_observable per condition

parpe.plotting.plotTrajectoryFits(ymes, ysim, timepoints)[source]
For each simulation condition create a plot with time-course for

measured and simulated values for all observables.

ymes: list of measured values nt x n_observable per condition ymes: list of simulated values nt x n_observable per condition


Plot “waterfall plot”

Sorted scatter plot of optimization results.

Arguments: finalCost: ndarray(numStarts) of final cost


parpe.plotting.square_plot_equal_ranges(ax, lim=None)[source]

Square plot with equal range