Class AnalyticalParameterProvider

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class AnalyticalParameterProvider

The AnalyticalParameterProvider class is an interface for providing information on optimization parameters to be computed analytically (proportionality factors, offsets, sigmas, …).

Subclassed by parpe::AnalyticalParameterHdf5Reader, parpe::AnalyticalParameterProviderDefault

Public Functions

virtual ~AnalyticalParameterProvider() = default
virtual std::vector<int> getConditionsForParameter(int parameterIndex) const = 0

Get vector of condition indices for which the parameter with the given index is used.


parameterIndex – referring to the index in the analytical parameter list in the HDF5 file (not the optimization parameter index).


Vector of condition indices

virtual std::vector<int> const &getObservablesForParameter(int parameterIndex, int conditionIdx) const = 0

Get vector of observable indices for the specified condition for which the specified parameter is used.




virtual std::vector<int> getOptimizationParameterIndices() const = 0

Vector with indices of the of the analytically determined parameters within the overall optimization parameter vector.
