Source code for parpe.plotting

"""Plotting functions"""
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from typing import List

[docs]def plotCostTrajectory(costTrajectory, color=None, scaleToIteration=1, legend=True, legend_loc='upper right', ax=None, log=True): """Plot the provided cost trajectory Arguments: costTrajectory: ndarray(numIterations x numStarts): cost over iterations for all optimizations Returns: ax """ if ax is None: ax = plt.subplots()[1] for start in range(costTrajectory.shape[1]): y = costTrajectory[:,start] y = y[~np.isnan(y)] c = color[start] if color and len(color) > 1 else color if log: ax.semilogy(y, c=c) else: ax.plot(y, c=c) # set viewport minCost = np.nanmin(costTrajectory) maxCost = np.nanmax(costTrajectory[scaleToIteration:,:]) #ax.set_ylim(bottom=(1 - np.sign(minCost) * 0.02) * minCost, # top=(1 + np.sign(maxCost) * 0.02) * maxCost) ax.set_ylim(bottom=minCost - 0.01 * np.abs(maxCost - minCost), top=maxCost + 0.01 * np.abs(maxCost - minCost)) if legend: ax.legend(['start %d'%i for i in range(costTrajectory.shape[1]) ], loc=legend_loc) ax.set_xlabel('Iteration') ax.set_ylabel('Cost') return ax
[docs]def plotDoseResponseLogDose(conc, mes, sim, title, ax): ax.semilogx(conc, mes, '.', label='mes') ax.semilogx(conc, sim, '.', label='sim') ax.set_ylabel('Proliferation') ax.set_xlabel('[Drug]') ax.set_title(title)
[docs]def plotDoseResponseCategorical(conc, mes, sim, title, ax): """ e.g. # fig, ax = plt.subplots() plotDoseResponse(np.array([10, 3, 5]), np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([1, 3, 2]), 'test', ax) """ order = np.argsort(conc) concStr = [str(conc[i]) for i in order] ax.scatter(concStr, np.array(mes)[order], label='mes') ax.scatter(concStr, np.array(sim)[order], label='sim') ax.vlines(concStr, np.array(mes)[order], np.array(sim)[order]) ax.set_ylabel('Proliferation') ax.set_xlabel('[Drug]') ax.set_title(title)
[docs]def plotCorrelations(ymes, ysim): """ Plot correlation of measured and simulated data Arguments: ---------- ymes: @type numpy.ndarray measured values n_condition x nt x ny ysim: @type numpy.ndarray simulated values n_condition x nt x ny """ for iy in range(ysim.shape[2]): plotCorrelation(ymes[:, :, iy], ysim[:, :, iy], title='Observable %d' % iy)
[docs]def plotCorrelation(ymes, ysim, observable_idx=None, title=None, alpha=1.0, legend=False, square=True, ax=None): """ Plot correlation of measured and simulated data Arguments: ---------- ymes: @type numpy.ndarray measured values n_condition x nt ysim: @type numpy.ndarray simulated values n_condition x nt """ if ax is None: ax = plt.subplots()[1] for icondition in range(len(ysim)): x = ymes[icondition][:, observable_idx] y = ysim[icondition][:, observable_idx] #x, y = flatten_filter_nan(x, y) r = correlation_coefficient(x, y) ax.scatter(x, y, label='Condition %d, r=%.3f' % (icondition, r), alpha=alpha) ax.set_xlabel('measurement (AU)') ax.set_ylabel('simulation (AU)') if square: square_plot_equal_ranges(ax) if title: ax.set_title(title) if legend: ax.legend() return ax
[docs]def plotCorrelationOld(ymes, ysim, title=None, alpha=1.0, legend=False, square=True, ax=None): """ Plot correlation of measured and simulated data Arguments: ---------- ymes: @type numpy.ndarray measured values n_condition x nt ysim: @type numpy.ndarray simulated values n_condition x nt """ if ax is None: ax = plt.subplots()[1] for icondition in range(ysim.shape[0]): x = ymes[icondition, :] y = ysim[icondition, :] #x, y = flatten_filter_nan(x, y) r = correlation_coefficient(x, y) ax.scatter(x, y, label='Condition %d, r=%.3f' % (icondition, r), alpha=alpha) ax.set_xlabel('measurement (AU)') ax.set_ylabel('simulation (AU)') if square: square_plot_equal_ranges(ax) if title: ax.set_title(title) if legend: ax.legend() return ax
[docs]def square_plot_equal_ranges(ax, lim=None): """Square plot with equal range""" #ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ax.axis('square') if lim is None: xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() lim = [np.min([xlim[0], ylim[0]]), np.max([xlim[1], ylim[1]])] ax.set_xlim(lim) ax.set_ylim(lim) # Same tick mark on x and y ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ax.xaxis.get_major_locator()) return ax
[docs]def plotTrajectoryFits(ymes: List[np.array], ysim: List[np.array], timepoints: List[np.array]): """For each simulation condition create a plot with time-course for measured and simulated values for all observables. Arguments: ---------- ymes: list of measured values nt x n_observable per condition ymes: list of simulated values nt x n_observable per condition """ if len(ymes) != len(ysim): raise AssertionError("Number of measured and simulated conditions " "do not match") for icondition in range(len(ysim)): plotTrajectoryFit(ymes[icondition], ysim[icondition], timepoints[icondition], title='Condition %d' % icondition)
[docs]def plotTrajectoryFit(ymes: np.array, ysim: np.array, timepoints: np.array, title: str = None): """Create a plot with time-course for measured and simulated values for all observables. Arguments: ---------- ymes: measured values nt x n_observable per condition ysim: simulated values nt x n_observable per condition """ if len(timepoints) != ymes.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Number of timepoints does not match length of " f"measurements: {len(timepoints)} vs {ymes.shape[0]}") if ymes.shape != ysim.shape: raise ValueError( "Simulations and measurement shapes do not match: " f"{ysim.shape} != {ymes.shape}") fig, ax = plt.subplots() for iy in range(ysim.shape[1]): ax.plot(timepoints, ysim[:, iy], label='$y_%d$ sim' % (iy), alpha=0.7, c='C%d' % iy) ax.plot(timepoints, ymes[:, iy], label='$y_%d$ mes' % (iy), linestyle='dotted', marker='o', c='C%d' % iy) ax.set_xlabel('$t$ (s)') ax.set_ylabel('$y_i(t)$ (AU)') if title: ax.set_title(title) ax.legend() return ax
[docs]def flatten_filter_nan(a, b): """Flatten arrays a and b removing entries for which either a or b is NaN""" assert (a.shape == b.shape) a = a.flatten() b = b.flatten() mask = np.isfinite(a + b) a = a[mask] b = b[mask] return a, b
[docs]def correlation_coefficient(a, b): """Get correlation coefficient for flattened a and b""" if not a.size or not b.size: return np.nan a, b = flatten_filter_nan(a, b) return np.corrcoef(a, b)[0, 1]
[docs]def plotCorrelationDensity(ymes, ysim, title=None, title_append_corr=True, normalize_percentile=100, nbins=50, contour=True): """ Plot correlation of measured and simulated data Arguments: ---------- ymes: @type numpy.ndarray measured values n_condition x nt ysim: @type numpy.ndarray simulated values n_condition x nt """ assert (ymes.shape == ysim.shape) from scipy.stats import kde x, y = flatten_filter_nan(ymes, ysim) fig, ax = plt.subplots() # set viewport ymin = np.nanmin([x, y]) ymax = np.nanmax([x, y]) #ax.hexbin(x, y, gridsize=nbins, # normalize colors vmax = np.percentile([x, y], normalize_percentile) # get kernel density estimate k = kde.gaussian_kde([x, y]) xi, yi = np.mgrid[ymin:ymax:nbins * 1j, ymin:ymax:nbins * 1j] zi = k(np.vstack([xi.flatten(), yi.flatten()])) ax.pcolormesh(xi, yi, zi.reshape(xi.shape), shading='gouraud', cmap=None, vmax=vmax) # if contour: ax.contour(xi, yi, zi.reshape(xi.shape)) square_plot_equal_ranges(ax, lim=[ymin, ymax]) ax.set_xlabel('measurement (AU)') ax.set_ylabel('simulation (AU)') r = correlation_coefficient(x, y) if title is None: title = 'r=%.3f' % (r) elif title_append_corr: title += ' (r=%.3f)' % (r) ax.set_title(title) return ax
[docs]def plotCorrelationsByObsDensity(ymes, ysim): """ Plot correlation of measured and simulated data Arguments: ---------- ymes: @type numpy.ndarray measured values n_condition x nt x ny ysim: @type numpy.ndarray simulated values n_condition x nt x ny """ for iy in range(ysim.shape[2]): plotCorrelationDensity(ymes[:, :, iy], ysim[:, :, iy], title='Observable %d' % iy)
[docs]def plotWaterfall(finalCost): """Plot "waterfall plot" Sorted scatter plot of optimization results. Arguments: finalCost: ndarray(numStarts) of final cost Returns: """ # x axis should have integer labels from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator ax = plt.figure().gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) order = np.argsort(finalCost) ax.scatter(range(finalCost.size), finalCost[:, order]) ax.set_xlabel('Sorted start index') ax.set_ylabel('Final cost')
[docs]def plotCorrelationBox(data): """Create boxplot of correlation by observable Arguments: data: Correlations as obtained from getCorrTable """ mask = ~np.isnan(data) filtered_data = [d[m] for d, m in zip(data.T, mask.T)] plt.figure(figsize=(15, 4)) plt.boxplot(filtered_data)
[docs]def plotCorrelationBoxMulti(datasets, labels, legend_loc='lower center'): """ Plot correlation boxplots of multi-start results for multiple datasets side by side data1: nstarts x ny """ for x in datasets: assert (datasets[0].shape[1] == x.shape[1]) num_groups = len(datasets) num_observations = datasets[0].shape[1] filtered_data = [] for x in datasets: mask = ~np.isnan(x) filtered = [d[m] for d, m in zip(x.T, mask.T)] filtered_data.append(filtered) def set_box_color(bp, color): ''' plt.setp(bp['boxes'], color=color) plt.setp(bp['whiskers'], color=color) plt.setp(bp['caps'], color=color) plt.setp(bp['medians'], color=color) plt.setp(bp['fliers'], color=color) ''' plt.setp(bp['medians'], color='b') for patch in bp['boxes']: patch.set_facecolor(color) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(24, 8)) ax = fig.gca() for j, x in enumerate(filtered_data): bp = ax.boxplot(x, positions=[i * num_groups + j - (num_groups / 2 - 0.5) for i in range(num_observations)], patch_artist=True) col = 'C' + str(j) set_box_color(bp, col) ax.plot([], c=col, label=labels[j]) ax.set_xlabel('Model output index') ax.set_ylabel('Correlation coefficient') ax.legend(loc=legend_loc) ticks = ['%d' % i for i in range(num_observations)] ax.set_xticks(range(0, len(ticks) * num_groups, num_groups)) ax.set_xticklabels(ticks) ax.set_xlim(-2, num_observations * num_groups - 2) # from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator # ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) return ax