HDF5 data file structure

Parameter estimation input files


Default input files for parameter estimation are expected to follow this structure:

+ /amiciOptions/
+ /optimizationOptions/
+ /fixedParameters/
+ /measurements/
+ /parameters/


+ /amiciOptions/
  - (Attributes specifying AMICI settings, see deps/AMICI/src/hdf5.cpp)
  - sens_ind
        List of model parameter indices w.r.t. which to compute sensitivities
  - ts
        Unique list of time-points for which there is data. Determines the
        default timepoints set to the AMICI model.


+ /fixedParameters/
  - conditionNames
        Any labels for columns in `/fixedParameters/k`.
        [string: nConditionVectors]
  - k
        [double: nk * nConditionVectors]
        Fixed parameter vectors for simulation or preequilibration.
        See `/fixedParameters/simulationConditions`
  - parameterNames
        IDs of AMICI model fixed parameters
  - simulationConditions
        List of (fixed_par_preequilibration, fixed_par_simulation) tuples,
        referring to columns in `k`.
        Number of rows determines number of model simulations per cost function
        For no preequilibration, the respective values should be -1.


+ /measurements/
  - observableNames
        [string: ny]
        observable IDs as provided by the AMICI model

  Measurement-related data, each group contains datasets named
  - t/
    [double n_t]
    Vector with timepoints for the respective rows in `y/` and `ysigma/`.
    Ascending order, maybe non-unique to specify replicates.
  - y/
  - ysigma/
    [double n_t x n_y]
    Measured values and standard deviation for each observable and timepoint.
    If sigma is given by a model parameter, entry must be NaN


+ /parameters/
  - lowerBound
  - upperBound
        [double n_opt_par]
        Bounds for optimization parameters. Same length and order as
        modelParameterNames. Given in scale `pscale`.
  - modelParameterNames
        [string n_opt_par]
        AMICI model parameter IDs
  - nominalValues
        [double n_opt_par]
        Some specified parameter vector for testing
  - optimizationSimulationMapping
        [int np * n_simulation_conditions]
        Mapping of optimization parameters to model parameters for a given
        condition. -1 for no mapping, in which case the respective value
        from `parameterOverrides` will be used.
  - parameterOverrides
        [int np * n_simulation_conditions]
        Constant condition-specific parameter overrides
        (see `optimizationSimulationMapping`)
  - parameterNames
        [string n_opt_par]
        Optimization parameter names
  - pscaleOptimization
        [int n_opt_par]
        Parameter scaling for optimization parameters
  - pscaleSimulation
        [int n_simulation_conditions * n_sim_par]
        Parameter scale for each of `np` model parameters for the
        respective condition

Optimization options

+ /optimizationOptions/
  - Attributes:
    - maxIter [int]
    - hierarchicalOptimization [int]
    - numStarts [int]
    - optimizer [int]
  - randomStarts [double np_opt x n_starts]

  Groups with attributes for optimizer-specific settings:
  - ceres/
  - fmincon/
  - ipopt/
  - toms611/
  See the respective source files in parpeoptimization/src/ for details.

Hierarchical optimization

Those datasets are only required for use with hierarchical optimization. If any dataset would be empty, it can be omitted.



1D integer array of indices to /parameters/parameterNames, indicating which parameters should be considered for hierarchical optimization. In ascending order.


Mapping of measurements to analytically computed parameters.

Integer matrix with three columns:




parameterIdx is an index to /(offset|scaling|sigma)ParameterIndices

conditionIdx is an index to a row in /fixedParameters/simulationConditions

observableIdx is an index to /measurements/observableNames

Rows may occur in arbitrary order.

Different parameters for different timepoints are currently not supported. A work-around would be introducing an additional observable.

Parameter estimation output files

This section explains the output format generated by the parameter estimation executables generated from ../templates/main.cpp.

+ /inputData/
  - Just a copy of the input data for parameter estimation, see above
+ /multistarts/
  - Contains groups for each optimizer run names 0..numStarts-1
- /totalTimeInSec
  - The total cpu time for parameter estimation

Results per optimizer run

+ /multistarts/$n/
  + iteration/
    - Contains one group named by 0-based iteration index, containing:
    - costFunCallIndex: [int 1 x nCostFunEval]
      Ascending number for cost function calls across all iterations
    - costFunCost: [double 1 x nCostFunEval]
      Cost function values for all cost function calls during this iteration
    - costFunGradient: [double nOptimizationParameters x nCostFunEval]
      Cost function gradient values for all cost function calls during this
      iteration. NaN if not gradient was requested.
    - costFunParameters: [double nOptimizationParameters x nCostFunEval]
      Cost function parameters for all cost function calls during this
    - costFunWallTimeInSec: [double 1 x nCostFunEval]
      Wall time for cost function evaluation on master in seconds.
  - jobId [int 1 x nIterations*nConditions]
    Running number. Internal simulation job id. For debugging and mapping
    data from worker result files.
  - simulationLabel [string 1 x nIterations*nConditions]
    Human readable label corresponding to jobId, constisting of optimization
    index 'o', iteration index 'i', and condition index 'c'
  - simulationLogLikelihood [double 1 x nIterations*nConditions]
    Log-likelihood for all simulation jobs
  - simulationLogLikelihoodGradient [double nOptimizationParameters x nIterations*nConditions]
    Log-likelihood gradient for all simulation jobs
  - simulationObservables [double nObservables*nTimepoints x nIterations*nConditions]
    Model outputs for all simulations
  - simulationParameters [double nOptimizationParameters x nIterations*nConditions]
    Parameter for all simulations
  - simulationStates [double nObservables*nTimepoints x nIterations*nConditions]
    Model states for all simulations
  - simulationStatus [int 1 x nIterations*nConditions]
    AMICI status for all simulations
  - simulationWallTimeInSec [double 1 x nIterations*nConditions]
    Wall-time in seconds for all simulations
  - wallSec [double]
    Walltime for full optimization on master.

Simulation result files

This section explains the output format generated by the simulator executables generated from ../templates/main_simulate.cpp with --at-optimum.

+ /multistarts/$n/
  With $n := 0..numStarts containing simulation results for the respective
  optimizer run.
  - llh [double nConditions]
    Log-likelihood for each condition
  - parameters [double nOptimizationParameters]
    Optimization problem parameters used to obtain the simulations
  + t/$m/ [double nTimepoints]
    Timepoints for condition $m
  + yMes/$m/ [double nTimepoints x nObservables]
    Training data for condition $m
  + ySim/$m/ [double nTimepoints x nObservables]
    Model outputs for condition $m