parPE example: steadystate model - model simulation, optimization, analysis

This notebooks demonstrates basic use of parPE for parameter estimation.


This notebook requires:

  • a successful parPE with CMake options BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON (default).

  • an installation of the parPE Python package (${PARPE_SOURCE_DIR}/python/) in the Python environment in which this notebook is run (ideally the build/venv/ virtual environment)

This notebook assumes that this file is used from its default location and that parPE was built inside ${PARPE_SOURCE_DIR}/build/. If this is not the case, adapt parpe_source_root and parpe_build_root in the following block correspondingly.

import amici
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
from importlib import reload
import parpe

# set paths
parpe_source_root = os.path.abspath('../../../')
parpe_build_root = os.path.join(parpe_source_root, 'build')

model_source_dir = f'{parpe_build_root}/examples/parpeamici/steadystate/steadystate_scaled-prefix/src/steadystate_scaled/model_steadystate_scaled'
example_binary_dir = f'{parpe_build_root}/examples/parpeamici/steadystate/'
example_data_dir = f'{parpe_build_root}/examples/parpeamici/steadystate/steadystate_scaled-prefix/src/steadystate_scaled'
optimization_options_py = f'{parpe_source_root}/misc/'

# MPI launcher and options
mpiexec = "mpiexec -n 4 --allow-run-as-root --oversubscribe"
# rebuild example
!cd {parpe_build_root} && make
-- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.25.1")
-- Building version parPE-v0.4.3-37-g5bf1-dirty
[  0%] Built target get_version
[ 10%] Built target parpecommon
[ 21%] Built target parpeoptimization
[ 25%] Built target parpeloadbalancer
[ 37%] Built target parpeamici
[ 39%] Built target parpe
[ 45%] Built target unittests_common
[ 50%] Built target unittests_loadbalancer
[ 58%] Built target unittests_optimization
Setting up virtual environment...
[ 58%] Built target setup_venv
[ 59%] Creating test data using
Ran 3 tests in 0.000s

[ 59%] Built target prepare_test_hierarchical_optimization
[ 67%] Built target unittests_amici
[ 69%] Built target example_loadbalancer
[ 81%] Built target steadystate_scaled
[ 84%] Built target example_steadystate
[ 88%] Built target example_steadystate_multi
[ 92%] Built target example_steadystate_multi_simulator
[100%] Built target test_steadystate
# run make test to generated all output files required below
!cd {parpe_build_root} && make test
Running tests...
Test project /home/dweindl/src/parPE_2/build
      Start  1: testingMisc.testTenToMinusInf
 1/80 Test  #1: testingMisc.testTenToMinusInf ..................................................   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start  2: testingMisc.testWithinTolerance
 2/80 Test  #2: testingMisc.testWithinTolerance ................................................   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start  3: testingMisc.testCheckEqualArray
 3/80 Test  #3: testingMisc.testCheckEqualArray ................................................   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start  4: testingMisc.testRandInt
 4/80 Test  #4: testingMisc.testRandInt ........................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  5: commonMisc.testBacktrace
 5/80 Test  #5: commonMisc.testBacktrace .......................................................   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start  6: commonMisc.testFilexists
 6/80 Test  #6: commonMisc.testFilexists .......................................................   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start  7: commonMisc.testCreateDirectoryIfNotExists
 7/80 Test  #7: commonMisc.testCreateDirectoryIfNotExists ......................................   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start  8: commonMisc.testRecursiveMkpath
 8/80 Test  #8: commonMisc.testRecursiveMkpath .................................................   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start  9: commonMisc.testRandDouble
 9/80 Test  #9: commonMisc.testRandDouble ......................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 10: commonMisc.testFillArrayRandomDoubleSameInterval
10/80 Test #10: commonMisc.testFillArrayRandomDoubleSameInterval ...............................   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start 11: commonMisc.testFillArrayRandomDoubleIndividualInterval
11/80 Test #11: commonMisc.testFillArrayRandomDoubleIndividualInterval .........................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 12: commonMisc.testMpi
12/80 Test #12: commonMisc.testMpi .............................................................   Passed    0.30 sec
      Start 13: commonMisc.runInParallelAndWaitForFinish
13/80 Test #13: commonMisc.runInParallelAndWaitForFinish .......................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 14: commonMisc.strFormatCurrentLocaltime
14/80 Test #14: commonMisc.strFormatCurrentLocaltime ...........................................   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start 15: logging.printDebugInfoAndWait
15/80 Test #15: logging.printDebugInfoAndWait ..................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 16: logging.misc
16/80 Test #16: logging.misc ...................................................................   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start 17: logging.printMPIInfo
17/80 Test #17: logging.printMPIInfo ...........................................................   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start 18: logging.logProcessStats
18/80 Test #18: logging.logProcessStats ........................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 19: costFunction.mseZero
19/80 Test #19: costFunction.mseZero ...........................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 20: costFunction.mseNonzero
20/80 Test #20: costFunction.mseNonzero ........................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 21: costFunction.linearModel
21/80 Test #21: costFunction.linearModel .......................................................   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start 22: costFunction.linearModel2
22/80 Test #22: costFunction.linearModel2 ......................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 23: costFunction.linearModel3
23/80 Test #23: costFunction.linearModel3 ......................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 24: hdf5Misc.testOpenExistingFileNoOverwrite
24/80 Test #24: hdf5Misc.testOpenExistingFileNoOverwrite .......................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 25: hdf5Misc.testOpenExistingFileOverwrite
25/80 Test #25: hdf5Misc.testOpenExistingFileOverwrite .........................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 26: hdf5Misc.testMutexGetLock
26/80 Test #26: hdf5Misc.testMutexGetLock ......................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 27: hdf5Misc.testErrorStackWalker
27/80 Test #27: hdf5Misc.testErrorStackWalker ..................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 28: hdf5Misc.testCreateGroup
28/80 Test #28: hdf5Misc.testCreateGroup .......................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 29: hdf5Misc.testCreateExistingGroup
29/80 Test #29: hdf5Misc.testCreateExistingGroup ...............................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 30: hdf5Misc.testEnsureGroupExists
30/80 Test #30: hdf5Misc.testEnsureGroupExists .................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 31: hdf5Misc.testStringAttribute
31/80 Test #31: hdf5Misc.testStringAttribute ...................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 32: hdf5Misc.testDatasetDimensions
32/80 Test #32: hdf5Misc.testDatasetDimensions .................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 33: unittests_loadbalancer
33/80 Test #33: unittests_loadbalancer .........................................................   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start 34: multiStartOptimization.testMultiStartOptimization
34/80 Test #34: multiStartOptimization.testMultiStartOptimization ..............................   Passed    2.20 sec
      Start 35: minibatchOptimization.getBatches
35/80 Test #35: minibatchOptimization.getBatches ...............................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 36: minibatchOptimization.updateParameters
36/80 Test #36: minibatchOptimization.updateParameters .........................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 37: minibatchOptimizationLinearModel.testCostWithTrueParametersIsZeroIndivdually
37/80 Test #37: minibatchOptimizationLinearModel.testCostWithTrueParametersIsZeroIndivdually ...   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 38: minibatchOptimizationLinearModel.testCostWithTrueParametersIsZeroFull
38/80 Test #38: minibatchOptimizationLinearModel.testCostWithTrueParametersIsZeroFull ..........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 39: minibatchOptimizationLinearModel.testMinibatchSucceedFromOptimum
39/80 Test #39: minibatchOptimizationLinearModel.testMinibatchSucceedFromOptimum ...............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 40: minibatchOptimizationLinearModel.linearModelCheckCostGradient
40/80 Test #40: minibatchOptimizationLinearModel.linearModelCheckCostGradient ..................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 41: minibatchOptimizationLinearModel.linearModelTestBatchOptimizerSucceeds
41/80 Test #41: minibatchOptimizationLinearModel.linearModelTestBatchOptimizerSucceeds .........   Passed    0.05 sec
      Start 42: minibatchOptimizationLinearModel.linearModel
42/80 Test #42: minibatchOptimizationLinearModel.linearModel ...................................   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 43: optimizationResultWriter.testResultWriter
43/80 Test #43: optimizationResultWriter.testResultWriter ......................................   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 44: optimizationOptions.setGetOptionStr
44/80 Test #44: optimizationOptions.setGetOptionStr ............................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 45: optimizationOptions.setGetOptionInt
45/80 Test #45: optimizationOptions.setGetOptionInt ............................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 46: optimizationOptions.setGetOptionDouble
46/80 Test #46: optimizationOptions.setGetOptionDouble .........................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 47: optimizationOptions.getNonExistingOption
47/80 Test #47: optimizationOptions.getNonExistingOption .......................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 48: optimizationOptions.setIpOptOptions
48/80 Test #48: optimizationOptions.setIpOptOptions ............................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 49: optimizationOptions.setCeresOptions
49/80 Test #49: optimizationOptions.setCeresOptions ............................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 50: optimizationOptions.fromHDF5
50/80 Test #50: optimizationOptions.fromHDF5 ...................................................   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 51: optimizationProblem.quadraticTestFunction
51/80 Test #51: optimizationProblem.quadraticTestFunction ......................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 52: optimizationProblem.gradientChecker
52/80 Test #52: optimizationProblem.gradientChecker ............................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 53: optimizationProblem.linearModel
53/80 Test #53: optimizationProblem.linearModel ................................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 54: optimizationProblem.linearModelToGradientFun
54/80 Test #54: optimizationProblem.linearModelToGradientFun ...................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 55: optimizationProblem.linearModelToGradientFunOptimization
55/80 Test #55: optimizationProblem.linearModelToGradientFunOptimization .......................   Passed    0.03 sec
      Start 56: localOptimizationIpopt.testOptimizationResult
56/80 Test #56: localOptimizationIpopt.testOptimizationResult ..................................   Passed    0.04 sec
      Start 57: localOptimizationIpopt.testReporterCalled
57/80 Test #57: localOptimizationIpopt.testReporterCalled ......................................   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 58: localOptimizationCeres.testOptimization
58/80 Test #58: localOptimizationCeres.testOptimization ........................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 59: localOptimizationCeres.testReporterCalled
59/80 Test #59: localOptimizationCeres.testReporterCalled ......................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 60: simulationWorkerAmici.testSerializeResultPackageMessage
60/80 Test #60: simulationWorkerAmici.testSerializeResultPackageMessage ........................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 61: simulationResultWriter.testResultWriter
61/80 Test #61: simulationResultWriter.testResultWriter ........................................   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 62: simulationResultWriter.testResultWriterNewExistingFile
62/80 Test #62: simulationResultWriter.testResultWriterNewExistingFile .........................   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 63: hierarchicalOptimization1.reader
63/80 Test #63: hierarchicalOptimization1.reader ...............................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 64: hierarchicalOptimization1.spliceParameters
64/80 Test #64: hierarchicalOptimization1.spliceParameters .....................................   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 65: hierarchicalOptimization1.spliceParametersNothingToDo
65/80 Test #65: hierarchicalOptimization1.spliceParametersNothingToDo ..........................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 66: hierarchicalOptimization1.fillFilteredParams
66/80 Test #66: hierarchicalOptimization1.fillFilteredParams ...................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 67: hierarchicalOptimization1.likelihoodOfMatchingData
67/80 Test #67: hierarchicalOptimization1.likelihoodOfMatchingData .............................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 68: hierarchicalOptimization.hierarchicalOptimization
68/80 Test #68: hierarchicalOptimization.hierarchicalOptimization ..............................   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 69: hierarchicalOptimization.testNoAnalyticalParameters
69/80 Test #69: hierarchicalOptimization.testNoAnalyticalParameters ............................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 70: hierarchicalOptimization.testComputeAnalyticalScalings
70/80 Test #70: hierarchicalOptimization.testComputeAnalyticalScalings .........................   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 71: hierarchicalOptimization.testComputeAnalyticalOffsets
71/80 Test #71: hierarchicalOptimization.testComputeAnalyticalOffsets ..........................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 72: hierarchicalOptimization.applyOptimalScaling
72/80 Test #72: hierarchicalOptimization.applyOptimalScaling ...................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 73: hierarchicalOptimization.applyOptimalOffset
73/80 Test #73: hierarchicalOptimization.applyOptimalOffset ....................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 74: hierarchicalOptimization.testScaling
74/80 Test #74: hierarchicalOptimization.testScaling ...........................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 75: hierarchicalOptimization.testWrappedFunIsCalledWithGradient
75/80 Test #75: hierarchicalOptimization.testWrappedFunIsCalledWithGradient ....................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 76: hierarchicalOptimization.problemWrapper
76/80 Test #76: hierarchicalOptimization.problemWrapper ........................................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 77: example_loadbalancer
77/80 Test #77: example_loadbalancer ...........................................................   Passed    0.35 sec
      Start 78: parpe_python_package_tests
78/80 Test #78: parpe_python_package_tests .....................................................   Passed    2.78 sec
      Start 79: pytest_steadystate_example
79/80 Test #79: pytest_steadystate_example .....................................................   Passed    8.22 sec
      Start 80: test_steadystate
80/80 Test #80: test_steadystate ...............................................................   Passed    0.02 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 80

Total Test time (real) =  14.70 sec

Model and data

This parameter estimation is specified as set of PEtab files which are generated automatically during the build process (see ${PARPE_SOURCE_ROOT}/examples/parpeamici/steadystate). They consist of an SBML model and set of tabular files describing model parameters, model inputs and measurements (training data). The model is automatically converted to C++ code and compiled and linked with parPE during the CMake-based build. The data has been converted to a HDF5 parPE input file.

The model is loosely based on an AMICI example. It describes the dynamics of three species. The model has six outputs with respective measurements. The measurements are based on model simulations to which artificial noise has been added. Data was simulated to represent four different experimental conditions, each with different model inputs. Some outputs represent model states directly, others are offsetted or scaled. For all outputs additive normally distributed noise is assumed, the standard deviation is known for some measurements and is to be estimated for others.

Here we use libsbml to show the reactions and species described by the model:

import libsbml
sbml_file = f'{example_data_dir}/model_steadystate_scaled.sbml'
sbml_reader = libsbml.SBMLReader()
sbml_doc = sbml_reader.readSBML(sbml_file)
sbml_model = sbml_doc.getModel()

print('Species: ', [s.getId() for s in sbml_model.getListOfSpecies()])

for reaction in sbml_model.getListOfReactions():
    reactants = ' + '.join(['%s %s'%(int(r.getStoichiometry()) if r.getStoichiometry() > 1 else '', r.getSpecies()) for r in reaction.getListOfReactants()])
    products  = ' + '.join(['%s %s'%(int(r.getStoichiometry()) if r.getStoichiometry() > 1 else '', r.getSpecies()) for r in reaction.getListOfProducts()])
    reversible = '<' if reaction.getReversible() else ''
    print('%3s: %10s %1s->%10s\t\t[%s]' % (reaction.getId(),
Species:  ['x1', 'x2', 'x3']

 r1:       2 x1  ->        x2                [p1 * x1^2]
 r2:   x1 +  x2  ->        x3                [p2 * x1 * x2]
 r3:         x2  ->      2 x1                [p3 * x2]
 r4:         x3  ->  x1 +  x2                [p4 * x3]
 r5:         x3  ->                          [k0 * x3]
 r6:             ->        x1                [p5]

Test simulation

Performing an exemplary model simulation and plotting state and output trajectories:

# load model
model_module = amici.import_model_module("model_steadystate_scaled", model_source_dir)

model = model_module.getModel()
model.setTimepoints(amici.DoubleVector(np.logspace(-5, 1, 20)))
solver = model.getSolver()
rdata = amici.runAmiciSimulation(model, solver)

default_parameters = np.array(model.getParameters())

# Default model parameters: print(default_parameters)
# Result fields reported by AMICI: list(rdata.keys())
from amici.plotting import plotStateTrajectories
from amici.plotting import plotObservableTrajectories


Standard optimization Ipopt

In this section, model parameters are estimated. parPE supports different optimization algorithms, available algorithms depend on the build configuration. In this section we will use Ipopt, which worked the best in our experience (

Based on the parPE template files, a executable for parameter estimation has been built. By default, these executables are named estimate_${MODEL_NAME}. These files require a HDF5 file containing training data and optimization options. All those files have been generated automatically for this example.

This part of the example requires a parPE build with PARPE_ENABLE_IPOPT=ON.

Set parameter estimation options

Parameter estimation settings specified inside an HDF5 file. Those can be changed from any programming language with HDF5 bindings, with hdfview (, or with a helper script included in parPE, as demonstrated here:

# enable derivative checker
input_file = f'{example_data_dir}/example_data.h5'

#!{optimization_options_py} {input_file} -s ipopt/derivative_test first-order
#!{optimization_options_py} {input_file} -s ipopt/derivative_test_print_all yes

# Use Ipopt
!{optimization_options_py} {input_file} -s optimizer 0

# Perform one optimizer runs from different starting points
!{optimization_options_py} {input_file} -s numStarts 1

# Run for 20 iterations
!{optimization_options_py} {input_file} -s ipopt/max_iter 30

# Disable hierarchical optimization (see below)
!{optimization_options_py} {input_file} -s hierarchicalOptimization 0

# Print settings
!{optimization_options_py} {input_file}
                hierarchicalOptimization            0
                               numStarts            1
                               optimizer            0
                       retryOptimization            1
                ceres/max_num_iterations          100
                         fmincon/GradObj        b'on'
                     fmincon/MaxFunEvals   10000000.0
                         fmincon/MaxIter          100
                          fmincon/TolFun            0
                            fmincon/TolX        1e-08
                       fmincon/algorithm b'interior-point'
                         fmincon/display      b'iter'
                   ipopt/acceptable_iter            1
         ipopt/acceptable_obj_change_tol        1e-12
                    ipopt/acceptable_tol        1e+20
             ipopt/hessian_approximation b'limited-memory'
        ipopt/limited_memory_update_type      b'bfgs'
                          ipopt/max_iter           30
                               ipopt/tol        1e-09
   ipopt/watchdog_shortened_iter_trigger            0
                          toms611/mxfcal  100000000.0

Gradient check

Before starting the optimization, we can shortly compare the objective function gradients computed by AMICI/parPE with finite differences:

# use three random starting points:
for i in range(3):
    !PARPE_NO_DEBUG=1 {example_binary_dir}/example_steadystate_multi -t gradient_check -o deletemegc/ {input_file}

[2020-06-24 17:41:30] [INF] [-1:140407870474176/]     0 g: -3.07804e+14  fd_c: -3.07834e+14  Δ/ff: 1.820688e-04  f:  1.61202e+14
[2020-06-24 17:41:30] [INF] [-1:140407870474176/]     1 g: -2.22547e+13  fd_c: -2.23559e+13  Δ/ff: 6.276508e-04  f:  1.61205e+14
[2020-06-24 17:41:30] [INF] [-1:140407870474176/]     2 g:  2.23191e+13  fd_c:  2.23727e+13  Δ/ff: -3.327962e-04  f:  1.61205e+14
[2020-06-24 17:41:30] [INF] [-1:140407870474176/]     3 g:  1.44004e+13  fd_c:  1.43986e+13  Δ/ff: 1.096761e-05  f:  1.61205e+14
[2020-06-24 17:41:30] [INF] [-1:140407870474176/]     4 g:  3.92648e+14  fd_c:  3.92711e+14  Δ/ff: -3.915439e-04  f:  1.61209e+14
[2020-06-24 17:41:30] [INF] [-1:140407870474176/]     5 g:  7.22972e+14  fd_c:  7.22972e+14  Δ/ff: -1.633158e-09  f:  1.61212e+14
[2020-06-24 17:41:30] [INF] [-1:140407870474176/]     6 g:  1.48764e+07  fd_c:  1.48766e+07  Δ/ff: -8.200509e-13  f:  1.61205e+14
[2020-06-24 17:41:30] [INF] [-1:140407870474176/]     7 g: -4.32827e+10  fd_c: -4.32827e+10  Δ/ff: -9.508153e-12  f:  1.61205e+14
[2020-06-24 17:41:30] [INF] [-1:140407870474176/]     8 g:  1.82786e+08  fd_c:  1.82784e+08  Δ/ff: 7.928618e-12  f:  1.61205e+14
[2020-06-24 17:41:30] [INF] [-1:140407870474176/] Walltime on master: 0.357358s, CPU time of all processes: 1.190509s

[2020-06-24 17:41:31] [INF] [-1:140118083160000/]     0 g: -6.21971e+09  fd_c: -6.21836e+09  Δ/ff: -7.588395e-08  f:  1.77565e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:31] [INF] [-1:140118083160000/]     1 g: -1.01378e+10  fd_c: -1.01431e+10  Δ/ff: 3.019935e-07  f:  1.77565e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:31] [INF] [-1:140118083160000/]     2 g:  1.01916e+10  fd_c:  1.01875e+10  Δ/ff: 2.299636e-07  f:  1.77565e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:31] [INF] [-1:140118083160000/]     3 g:  1.01496e+10  fd_c:  1.01498e+10  Δ/ff: -1.220489e-08  f:  1.77565e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:31] [INF] [-1:140118083160000/]     4 g:  7.63243e+08  fd_c:  7.61412e+08  Δ/ff: 1.030921e-07  f:  1.77565e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:31] [INF] [-1:140118083160000/]     5 g:   3.5914e+10  fd_c:   3.5914e+10  Δ/ff: -1.675128e-12  f:  1.77565e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:31] [INF] [-1:140118083160000/]     6 g:  8.66367e+07  fd_c:  8.66367e+07  Δ/ff: -1.943272e-12  f:  1.77565e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:31] [INF] [-1:140118083160000/]     7 g:      121.481  fd_c:      195.312  Δ/ff: -4.158002e-12  f:  1.77565e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:31] [INF] [-1:140118083160000/]     8 g:  3.66721e+08  fd_c:  3.66721e+08  Δ/ff: -2.067021e-11  f:  1.77565e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:31] [INF] [-1:140118083160000/] Walltime on master: 0.420946s, CPU time of all processes: 1.274342s

[2020-06-24 17:41:32] [INF] [-1:140466688518080/]     0 g:   3.0421e+07  fd_c:  3.04203e+07  Δ/ff: 4.257906e-11  f:  1.62622e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:32] [INF] [-1:140466688518080/]     1 g:     -766.774  fd_c:      195.312  Δ/ff: -5.916097e-11  f:  1.62622e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:32] [INF] [-1:140466688518080/]     2 g:   -9.463e+06  fd_c: -9.46338e+06  Δ/ff: 2.347750e-11  f:  1.62622e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:32] [INF] [-1:140466688518080/]     3 g:   4.0764e+07  fd_c:  4.07931e+07  Δ/ff: -1.786592e-09  f:  1.62622e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:32] [INF] [-1:140466688518080/]     4 g:   5.7084e+07  fd_c:   5.7084e+07  Δ/ff: -1.569356e-12  f:  1.62622e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:32] [INF] [-1:140466688518080/]     5 g:     -1.73506  fd_c:            0  Δ/ff: -1.066930e-13  f:  1.62622e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:32] [INF] [-1:140466688518080/]     6 g:  3.40035e+08  fd_c:  3.40035e+08  Δ/ff: -7.920917e-12  f:  1.62622e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:32] [INF] [-1:140466688518080/]     7 g: -2.35915e+06  fd_c: -2.35918e+06  Δ/ff: 1.758269e-12  f:  1.62622e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:32] [INF] [-1:140466688518080/]     8 g:  1.20306e+08  fd_c:  1.20307e+08  Δ/ff: -7.991474e-12  f:  1.62622e+13
[2020-06-24 17:41:32] [INF] [-1:140466688518080/] Walltime on master: 0.363544s, CPU time of all processes: 1.217862s


Now we can run the actual optimization.

# !(cd {parpe_build_root} && exec make -j12) # rebuild
!rm -rf deleteme # delete old result files

# optimize (using a single process)
!PARPE_NO_DEBUG=1 {example_binary_dir}/example_steadystate_multi -o deleteme/ {example_data_dir}/example_data.h5

[2020-06-24 17:41:33] [INF] [-1:140425994618816/] Reading random initial theta 0 from /optimizationOptions/randomStarts

List of user-set options:

                                    Name   Value                used
                         acceptable_iter = 1                     yes
               acceptable_obj_change_tol = 1e-12                 yes
                          acceptable_tol = 1e+20                 yes
                   hessian_approximation = limited-memory        yes
              limited_memory_update_type = bfgs                  yes
                                max_iter = 30                    yes
                             print_level = 5                     yes
                      print_user_options = yes                   yes
                                     tol = 1e-09                 yes
         watchdog_shortened_iter_trigger = 0                     yes

This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear optimization.
 Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
         For more information visit

This is Ipopt version 3.12.12, running with linear solver ma27.

Number of nonzeros in equality constraint Jacobian...:        0
Number of nonzeros in inequality constraint Jacobian.:        0
Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian.............:        0

Total number of variables............................:        9
                     variables with only lower bounds:        0
                variables with lower and upper bounds:        9
                     variables with only upper bounds:        0
Total number of equality constraints.................:        0
Total number of inequality constraints...............:        0
        inequality constraints with only lower bounds:        0
   inequality constraints with lower and upper bounds:        0
        inequality constraints with only upper bounds:        0

[2020-06-24 17:41:33] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i0] iter: 0 cost: 532.303 time_iter: wall: 0.137419s cpu: 0.127829s time_optim: wall: 0.137419s cpu: 0.127829s
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
   0  5.3230269e+02 0.00e+00 1.00e+02   0.0 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 0.00e+00   0
[2020-06-24 17:41:33] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i1] iter: 1 cost: 820.034 time_iter: wall: 0.090377s cpu: 0.0783326s time_optim: wall: 0.227797s cpu: 0.206162s
   1  8.2003355e+02 0.00e+00 4.00e+01   2.0 5.98e+01    -  9.91e-01 2.66e-02f  2
[2020-06-24 17:41:33] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i2] iter: 2 cost: 776.643 time_iter: wall: 0.117079s cpu: 0.106627s time_optim: wall: 0.344876s cpu: 0.312788s
   2  7.7664256e+02 0.00e+00 5.20e+01   2.2 5.80e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:33] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i3] iter: 3 cost: -166.319 time_iter: wall: 0.0932628s cpu: 0.0802567s time_optim: wall: 0.438139s cpu: 0.393045s
   3 -1.6631926e+02 0.00e+00 4.12e+01   1.5 2.34e+00    -  1.00e+00 2.50e-01f  3
[2020-06-24 17:41:33] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i4] iter: 4 cost: -267.208 time_iter: wall: 0.0768777s cpu: 0.0693811s time_optim: wall: 0.515016s cpu: 0.462426s
   4 -2.6720761e+02 0.00e+00 3.92e+00   0.2 1.85e-01    -  9.91e-01 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:33] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i5] iter: 5 cost: -325.047 time_iter: wall: 0.0737827s cpu: 0.0664222s time_optim: wall: 0.588799s cpu: 0.528848s
   5 -3.2504664e+02 0.00e+00 4.86e+00  -1.2 1.59e-01    -  9.84e-01 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:33] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i6] iter: 6 cost: -336.398 time_iter: wall: 0.0699238s cpu: 0.0622717s time_optim: wall: 0.658723s cpu: 0.59112s
   6 -3.3639830e+02 0.00e+00 1.12e+01  -1.9 8.74e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:34] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i7] iter: 7 cost: -389.279 time_iter: wall: 0.0860524s cpu: 0.0719065s time_optim: wall: 0.744776s cpu: 0.663026s
   7 -3.8927856e+02 0.00e+00 6.91e+00  -1.8 7.08e-01    -  1.00e+00 2.50e-01f  3
[2020-06-24 17:41:34] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i8] iter: 8 cost: -417.125 time_iter: wall: 0.0824051s cpu: 0.0701718s time_optim: wall: 0.827181s cpu: 0.733198s
   8 -4.1712507e+02 0.00e+00 2.72e+00  -2.7 5.18e-01    -  1.00e+00 5.00e-01f  2
[2020-06-24 17:41:34] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i9] iter: 9 cost: -425.124 time_iter: wall: 0.0837048s cpu: 0.0707955s time_optim: wall: 0.910886s cpu: 0.803994s
   9 -4.2512435e+02 0.00e+00 2.77e+00  -4.1 1.14e-01    -  1.00e+00 5.00e-01f  2
[2020-06-24 17:41:34] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i10] iter: 10 cost: -431.91 time_iter: wall: 0.0717744s cpu: 0.0638436s time_optim: wall: 0.982661s cpu: 0.867837s
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  10 -4.3191005e+02 0.00e+00 9.02e-01  -5.5 4.63e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:34] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i11] iter: 11 cost: -432.548 time_iter: wall: 0.0821081s cpu: 0.0695296s time_optim: wall: 1.06477s cpu: 0.937367s
  11 -4.3254817e+02 0.00e+00 7.07e-01  -7.2 3.94e-02    -  1.00e+00 5.00e-01f  2
[2020-06-24 17:41:34] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i12] iter: 12 cost: -433.253 time_iter: wall: 0.0700837s cpu: 0.0621244s time_optim: wall: 1.13485s cpu: 0.999491s
  12 -4.3325317e+02 0.00e+00 5.07e-01  -8.8 3.00e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:34] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i13] iter: 13 cost: -434.385 time_iter: wall: 0.0719023s cpu: 0.0637952s time_optim: wall: 1.20676s cpu: 1.06329s
  13 -4.3438479e+02 0.00e+00 6.25e-01 -10.3 4.40e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:34] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i14] iter: 14 cost: -438.759 time_iter: wall: 0.0663257s cpu: 0.0583022s time_optim: wall: 1.27308s cpu: 1.12159s
  14 -4.3875867e+02 0.00e+00 3.98e+00 -11.0 5.21e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:34] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i15] iter: 15 cost: -440.48 time_iter: wall: 0.09416s cpu: 0.0771593s time_optim: wall: 1.36724s cpu: 1.19875s
  15 -4.4047967e+02 0.00e+00 4.39e+00 -11.0 2.61e+00    -  1.00e+00 6.22e-02f  5
[2020-06-24 17:41:34] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i16] iter: 16 cost: -442.029 time_iter: wall: 0.0896711s cpu: 0.0733529s time_optim: wall: 1.45691s cpu: 1.2721s
  16 -4.4202943e+02 0.00e+00 2.94e+00 -11.0 4.38e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.25e-01f  4
[2020-06-24 17:41:34] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i17] iter: 17 cost: -443.967 time_iter: wall: 0.0669892s cpu: 0.0584416s time_optim: wall: 1.5239s cpu: 1.33054s
  17 -4.4396683e+02 0.00e+00 1.78e+00 -11.0 1.93e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:34] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i18] iter: 18 cost: -446.323 time_iter: wall: 0.0676223s cpu: 0.0592318s time_optim: wall: 1.59153s cpu: 1.38977s
  18 -4.4632309e+02 0.00e+00 1.06e+00 -11.0 9.67e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:34] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i19] iter: 19 cost: -446.807 time_iter: wall: 0.0673716s cpu: 0.0595199s time_optim: wall: 1.6589s cpu: 1.44929s
  19 -4.4680666e+02 0.00e+00 7.12e-01 -11.0 1.64e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:35] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i20] iter: 20 cost: -446.911 time_iter: wall: 0.098772s cpu: 0.0806446s time_optim: wall: 1.75767s cpu: 1.52994s
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  20 -4.4691082e+02 0.00e+00 5.78e-01 -11.0 5.12e-01    -  1.00e+00 3.12e-02f  6
[2020-06-24 17:41:35] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i21] iter: 21 cost: -447.227 time_iter: wall: 0.066089s cpu: 0.0577964s time_optim: wall: 1.82376s cpu: 1.58774s
  21 -4.4722745e+02 0.00e+00 4.61e-02 -11.0 6.51e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:35] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i22] iter: 22 cost: -447.228 time_iter: wall: 0.0922707s cpu: 0.0758644s time_optim: wall: 1.91603s cpu: 1.6636s
  22 -4.4722816e+02 0.00e+00 4.07e-02 -11.0 3.33e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.25e-01f  4
[2020-06-24 17:41:35] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i23] iter: 23 cost: -447.228 time_iter: wall: 0.0955807s cpu: 0.0783362s time_optim: wall: 2.01161s cpu: 1.74194s
  23 -4.4722838e+02 0.00e+00 5.88e-02 -11.0 3.66e-02    -  1.00e+00 6.25e-02f  5
[2020-06-24 17:41:35] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i24] iter: 24 cost: -447.23 time_iter: wall: 0.0814274s cpu: 0.0682416s time_optim: wall: 2.09304s cpu: 1.81018s
  24 -4.4723019e+02 0.00e+00 2.31e-02 -11.0 3.32e-03    -  1.00e+00 5.00e-01f  2
[2020-06-24 17:41:35] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i25] iter: 25 cost: -447.231 time_iter: wall: 0.0737931s cpu: 0.0615733s time_optim: wall: 2.16683s cpu: 1.87175s
  25 -4.4723112e+02 0.00e+00 1.71e-02 -11.0 6.07e-03    -  1.00e+00 5.00e-01f  2
[2020-06-24 17:41:35] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i26] iter: 26 cost: -447.231 time_iter: wall: 0.0784649s cpu: 0.0655171s time_optim: wall: 2.2453s cpu: 1.93727s
  26 -4.4723130e+02 0.00e+00 1.31e-02 -11.0 2.84e-03    -  1.00e+00 2.50e-01f  3
[2020-06-24 17:41:35] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i27] iter: 27 cost: -447.232 time_iter: wall: 0.0659078s cpu: 0.0578224s time_optim: wall: 2.3112s cpu: 1.99509s
  27 -4.4723151e+02 0.00e+00 1.05e-02 -11.0 1.01e-03    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:35] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i28] iter: 28 cost: -447.232 time_iter: wall: 0.0834543s cpu: 0.0689585s time_optim: wall: 2.39466s cpu: 2.06405s
  28 -4.4723162e+02 0.00e+00 1.13e-02 -11.0 2.20e-03    -  1.00e+00 2.50e-01f  3
[2020-06-24 17:41:35] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i29] iter: 29 cost: -447.232 time_iter: wall: 0.0683976s cpu: 0.0602698s time_optim: wall: 2.46306s cpu: 2.12432s
  29 -4.4723185e+02 0.00e+00 5.13e-03 -11.0 1.09e-03    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1
[2020-06-24 17:41:35] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i30] iter: 30 cost: -447.232 time_iter: wall: 0.0851599s cpu: 0.0702836s time_optim: wall: 2.54822s cpu: 2.1946s
iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls
  30 -4.4723198e+02 0.00e+00 1.25e-02 -11.0 1.23e-02    -  1.00e+00 2.50e-01f  3

Number of Iterations....: 30

                                   (scaled)                 (unscaled)
Objective...............:  -1.0027481219080936e+01   -4.4723198109367854e+02
Dual infeasibility......:   1.2481077281248806e-02    5.5666391157677142e-01
Constraint violation....:   0.0000000000000000e+00    0.0000000000000000e+00
Complementarity.........:   1.0053736651784596e-11    4.4840298993687491e-10
Overall NLP error.......:   1.2481077281248806e-02    5.5666391157677142e-01

Number of objective function evaluations             = 130
Number of objective gradient evaluations             = 31
Number of equality constraint evaluations            = 0
Number of inequality constraint evaluations          = 0
Number of equality constraint Jacobian evaluations   = 0
Number of inequality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 0
Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations             = 0
Total CPU secs in IPOPT (w/o function evaluations)   =      0.556
Total CPU secs in NLP function evaluations           =      2.283

EXIT: Maximum Number of Iterations Exceeded.
[2020-06-24 17:41:35] [INF] [-1:140425699804928/] [o0i31] Optimizer status 1, final llh: -4.472320e+02, time: wall: 2.548704 cpu: 2.194602.
[2020-06-24 17:41:37] [INF] [-1:140425994618816/] Walltime on master: 4.008655s, CPU time of all processes: 3.462642s

Analyze results

A good start for checking the results is a look at optimizer trajectories. This can be easily done using the parPE Python package:

filename = 'deleteme/_rank00000.h5'
trajectories_ipopt = parpe.getCostTrajectories(filename)
parpe.plotting.plotCostTrajectory(trajectories_ipopt, log=False);

Since this example uses artificial data based on model simulations with known parameters, we can compare them to the optimization results:

#  __Exp____ __Act______ __Err______ __RelErr___ __ID_______
0:   1.00000     0.30485    -0.69515    -0.69515 p1
1:   0.50000     0.31305    -0.18695    -0.37391 p2
2:   0.40000     0.16030    -0.23970    -0.59925 p3
3:   2.00000     1.81174    -0.18826    -0.09413 p4
4:   0.10000     0.05128    -0.04872    -0.48718 p5
5:   2.00000     0.16231    -1.83769    -0.91885 scaling_x1_common
6:   3.00000     2.99955    -0.00045    -0.00015 offset_x2_batch_0
7:   0.20000     0.13729    -0.06271    -0.31357 x1withsigma_sigma
8:   4.00000     4.00132     0.00132     0.00033 offset_x2_batch_1

Status: 1
Cost: -447.231981 (expected: -0.000000)

The parameters don’t match that greatly. This is not completely unexpected due to the artificial noise introduced. To get a closer look at the optimization result, we can compare the training data to the model output with the optimized parameters.

The model outputs are by default not saved during optimization, because this can lead to much I/O overhead and large files. However, there is an executable to quickly rerun simulation with the optimal parameters:

# Simulate with optimal parameters, save results
!rm -f sim.h5 # remove files from previous run
!{example_binary_dir}/example_steadystate_multi_simulator deleteme/_rank00000.h5 /inputData deleteme/_rank00000.h5 /inputData sim.h5 / --at-optimum --nompi --nocompute-inner
Running --at-optimum for
        conditions from deleteme/_rank00000.h5:/inputData and
        parameters from deleteme/_rank00000.h5:/inputData
        > sim.h5:/
Running for start 0
Starting simulation. Number of conditions: 4
# Load simulated outputs
(measured, simulated, timepoints, llh) = parpe.readSimulationsFromFile('sim.h5')
start_idx = '0'
# Plot correlation of measurements (training data) and model simulation with optimized parameters
parpe.plotting.plotCorrelation(measured[start_idx], simulated[start_idx])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fc10fbead60>
# Plot measurement trajectories (training data) and compare to model simulation with optimized parameters
parpe.plotting.plotTrajectoryFits(measured[start_idx], simulated[start_idx], timepoints[start_idx])

Changing optimizers - Ceres

Once parPE has been built with support for different optimizers, selecting a different optimizer is quite easy.

(This part of the example requires a parPE build with PARPE_ENABLE_CERES=ON)

# copy input file from above example
example_data_ceres = f'{example_data_dir}/example_data_ceres.h5'
!cp {example_data_dir}/example_data.h5 {example_data_ceres}

# Change optimizer to CERES
# NOTE: For this moment, optimizers are inconveniently selected based on numeric values, 0 is Ipopt, 1 is Ceres.
!{optimization_options_py} {example_data_ceres} -s optimizer 1

# Run optimization
!PARPE_NO_DEBUG=1 {mpiexec} {example_binary_dir}/example_steadystate_multi  -o deletemeceres/ {example_data_ceres} --mpi
[2020-06-24 17:41:41] [INF] [0:139880673687488/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Running with 4 MPI processes.
[2020-06-24 17:41:41] [INF] [0:139880673687488/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Reading random initial theta 0 from /optimizationOptions/randomStarts    0: f: 5.323027e+02 d: 0.00e+00 g: 4.46e+03 h: 0.00e+00 s: 0.00e+00 e:  0 it: 4.13e-02 tt: 4.13e-02
[2020-06-24 17:41:41] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i0] iter: 0 cost: 532.303 time_iter: wall: 0.0415566s cpu: 0.0809107s time_optim: wall: 0.0415569s cpu: 0.0809107s    1: f:-3.344605e+02 d: 8.67e+02 g: 1.67e+02 h: 1.13e+00 s: 2.24e-04 e:  1 it: 3.72e-02 tt: 7.95e-02
[2020-06-24 17:41:41] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i1] iter: 1 cost: -334.461 time_iter: wall: 0.0382083s cpu: 0.0764133s time_optim: wall: 0.0797655s cpu: 0.157324s    2: f:-3.788412e+02 d: 4.44e+01 g: 3.85e+02 h: 3.29e-01 s: 1.28e-03 e:  5 it: 1.56e-01 tt: 2.36e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:41] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i2] iter: 2 cost: -378.841 time_iter: wall: 0.156987s cpu: 0.293226s time_optim: wall: 0.236753s cpu: 0.45055s    3: f:-4.183630e+02 d: 3.95e+01 g: 2.30e+02 h: 3.95e-01 s: 4.06e-04 e:  1 it: 3.77e-02 tt: 2.75e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i3] iter: 3 cost: -418.363 time_iter: wall: 0.0381825s cpu: 0.0691572s time_optim: wall: 0.274936s cpu: 0.519708s    4: f:-4.189047e+02 d: 5.42e-01 g: 2.85e+02 h: 4.76e-02 s: 5.58e-04 e:  2 it: 8.96e-02 tt: 3.65e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i4] iter: 4 cost: -418.905 time_iter: wall: 0.0901106s cpu: 0.161033s time_optim: wall: 0.365047s cpu: 0.68074s    5: f:-4.197841e+02 d: 8.79e-01 g: 2.78e+02 h: 2.46e-02 s: 3.88e-04 e:  1 it: 3.98e-02 tt: 4.05e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i5] iter: 5 cost: -419.784 time_iter: wall: 0.0402574s cpu: 0.0745627s time_optim: wall: 0.405304s cpu: 0.755303s    6: f:-4.207404e+02 d: 9.56e-01 g: 2.96e+02 h: 6.32e-02 s: 1.52e-03 e:  1 it: 3.93e-02 tt: 4.45e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i6] iter: 6 cost: -420.74 time_iter: wall: 0.0398202s cpu: 0.0781893s time_optim: wall: 0.445125s cpu: 0.833492s    7: f:-4.223504e+02 d: 1.61e+00 g: 2.93e+02 h: 8.02e-02 s: 1.09e-03 e:  1 it: 3.71e-02 tt: 4.82e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i7] iter: 7 cost: -422.35 time_iter: wall: 0.0375706s cpu: 0.0742174s time_optim: wall: 0.482696s cpu: 0.907709s    8: f:-4.252214e+02 d: 2.87e+00 g: 2.84e+02 h: 1.55e-01 s: 2.42e-03 e:  1 it: 3.77e-02 tt: 5.21e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i8] iter: 8 cost: -425.221 time_iter: wall: 0.0381947s cpu: 0.0754364s time_optim: wall: 0.520891s cpu: 0.983146s    9: f:-4.291242e+02 d: 3.90e+00 g: 2.72e+02 h: 4.47e-01 s: 5.38e-02 e:  1 it: 3.75e-02 tt: 5.59e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i9] iter: 9 cost: -429.124 time_iter: wall: 0.0379482s cpu: 0.0749299s time_optim: wall: 0.558839s cpu: 1.05808s   10: f:-4.358720e+02 d: 6.75e+00 g: 2.09e+02 h: 5.84e-02 s: 1.20e-01 e:  1 it: 3.65e-02 tt: 5.96e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i10] iter: 10 cost: -435.872 time_iter: wall: 0.036973s cpu: 0.0729143s time_optim: wall: 0.595813s cpu: 1.13099s   11: f:-4.441651e+02 d: 8.29e+00 g: 3.97e+01 h: 2.26e-01 s: 7.51e-01 e:  1 it: 3.93e-02 tt: 6.35e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i11] iter: 11 cost: -444.165 time_iter: wall: 0.0397685s cpu: 0.0773617s time_optim: wall: 0.635581s cpu: 1.20835s
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i12] iter: 12 cost: -445.062 time_iter: wall: 0.0374097s cpu: 0.0724785s time_optim: wall: 0.672991s cpu: 1.28083s   12: f:-4.450617e+02 d: 8.97e-01 g: 1.17e+01 h: 6.36e-02 s: 1.00e+00 e:  1 it: 3.65e-02 tt: 6.73e-01   13: f:-4.451359e+02 d: 7.42e-02 g: 1.17e+01 h: 5.40e-02 s: 1.00e+00 e:  1 it: 4.10e-02 tt: 7.14e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i13] iter: 13 cost: -445.136 time_iter: wall: 0.0415508s cpu: 0.0775626s time_optim: wall: 0.714542s cpu: 1.35839s   14: f:-4.452398e+02 d: 1.04e-01 g: 1.16e+01 h: 5.48e-02 s: 1.00e+00 e:  1 it: 3.74e-02 tt: 7.52e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i14] iter: 14 cost: -445.24 time_iter: wall: 0.0379656s cpu: 0.0741554s time_optim: wall: 0.752508s cpu: 1.43255s   15: f:-4.454254e+02 d: 1.86e-01 g: 1.15e+01 h: 8.01e-02 s: 6.39e-01 e:  1 it: 4.32e-02 tt: 7.96e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i15] iter: 15 cost: -445.425 time_iter: wall: 0.0437119s cpu: 0.0795556s time_optim: wall: 0.79622s cpu: 1.5121s   16: f:-4.457760e+02 d: 3.51e-01 g: 1.08e+01 h: 1.41e-01 s: 2.84e-01 e:  1 it: 3.65e-02 tt: 8.33e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i16] iter: 16 cost: -445.776 time_iter: wall: 0.036956s cpu: 0.0727817s time_optim: wall: 0.833176s cpu: 1.58489s   17: f:-4.460990e+02 d: 3.23e-01 g: 1.73e+01 h: 2.69e-01 s: 1.62e-01 e:  1 it: 3.91e-02 tt: 8.72e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i17] iter: 17 cost: -446.099 time_iter: wall: 0.0395317s cpu: 0.0750284s time_optim: wall: 0.872708s cpu: 1.65991s   18: f:-4.465246e+02 d: 4.26e-01 g: 9.07e+00 h: 6.18e-02 s: 8.06e-01 e:  1 it: 3.75e-02 tt: 9.10e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i18] iter: 18 cost: -446.525 time_iter: wall: 0.0380117s cpu: 0.0768193s time_optim: wall: 0.91072s cpu: 1.73673s   19: f:-4.469159e+02 d: 3.91e-01 g: 8.47e+00 h: 1.57e-01 s: 1.00e+00 e:  1 it: 3.74e-02 tt: 9.48e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i19] iter: 19 cost: -446.916 time_iter: wall: 0.0378456s cpu: 0.0734315s time_optim: wall: 0.948566s cpu: 1.81016s   20: f:-4.470190e+02 d: 1.03e-01 g: 7.25e+00 h: 3.44e-02 s: 1.00e+00 e:  1 it: 3.77e-02 tt: 9.86e-01
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i20] iter: 20 cost: -447.019 time_iter: wall: 0.0381489s cpu: 0.0755738s time_optim: wall: 0.986715s cpu: 1.88574s   21: f:-4.470725e+02 d: 5.35e-02 g: 3.81e+00 h: 4.45e-02 s: 1.00e+00 e:  1 it: 3.64e-02 tt: 1.02e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i21] iter: 21 cost: -447.072 time_iter: wall: 0.0368396s cpu: 0.0732056s time_optim: wall: 1.02356s cpu: 1.95894s   22: f:-4.471107e+02 d: 3.82e-02 g: 5.08e+00 h: 7.65e-02 s: 4.64e-02 e:  1 it: 3.71e-02 tt: 1.06e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i22] iter: 22 cost: -447.111 time_iter: wall: 0.0375187s cpu: 0.0742591s time_optim: wall: 1.06107s cpu: 2.0332s   23: f:-4.471110e+02 d: 3.08e-04 g: 4.69e+00 h: 6.83e-04 s: 1.81e-03 e:  2 it: 7.50e-02 tt: 1.14e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i23] iter: 23 cost: -447.111 time_iter: wall: 0.0754316s cpu: 0.152713s time_optim: wall: 1.13651s cpu: 2.18592s   24: f:-4.471154e+02 d: 4.41e-03 g: 6.50e+00 h: 5.26e-03 s: 9.69e-03 e:  2 it: 7.74e-02 tt: 1.21e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:42] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i24] iter: 24 cost: -447.115 time_iter: wall: 0.0778265s cpu: 0.153936s time_optim: wall: 1.21433s cpu: 2.33985s   25: f:-4.471214e+02 d: 5.97e-03 g: 6.20e+00 h: 8.19e-03 s: 5.28e-04 e:  1 it: 3.64e-02 tt: 1.25e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:43] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i25] iter: 25 cost: -447.121 time_iter: wall: 0.0368165s cpu: 0.0730412s time_optim: wall: 1.25115s cpu: 2.41289s   26: f:-4.471818e+02 d: 6.04e-02 g: 6.25e+00 h: 9.16e-02 s: 4.15e-03 e:  2 it: 7.55e-02 tt: 1.33e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:43] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i26] iter: 26 cost: -447.182 time_iter: wall: 0.0760229s cpu: 0.14886s time_optim: wall: 1.32717s cpu: 2.56175s   27: f:-4.471928e+02 d: 1.10e-02 g: 6.28e+00 h: 1.63e-02 s: 1.47e-03 e:  2 it: 7.39e-02 tt: 1.40e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:43] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i27] iter: 27 cost: -447.193 time_iter: wall: 0.0743093s cpu: 0.149165s time_optim: wall: 1.40148s cpu: 2.71092s   28: f:-4.471946e+02 d: 1.84e-03 g: 5.48e+00 h: 7.66e-03 s: 2.21e-02 e:  2 it: 7.66e-02 tt: 1.48e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:43] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i28] iter: 28 cost: -447.195 time_iter: wall: 0.076984s cpu: 0.15148s time_optim: wall: 1.47847s cpu: 2.8624s   29: f:-4.472208e+02 d: 2.61e-02 g: 2.36e+00 h: 1.22e-02 s: 2.82e-01 e:  2 it: 7.30e-02 tt: 1.55e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:43] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i29] iter: 29 cost: -447.221 time_iter: wall: 0.0734252s cpu: 0.146759s time_optim: wall: 1.55189s cpu: 3.00916s   30: f:-4.472269e+02 d: 6.11e-03 g: 2.56e+00 h: 3.82e-02 s: 1.00e+00 e:  1 it: 3.69e-02 tt: 1.59e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:43] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i30] iter: 30 cost: -447.227 time_iter: wall: 0.037355s cpu: 0.0741047s time_optim: wall: 1.58925s cpu: 3.08326s   31: f:-4.472342e+02 d: 7.31e-03 g: 1.12e+00 h: 1.67e-02 s: 7.05e-01 e:  1 it: 3.68e-02 tt: 1.63e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:43] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i31] iter: 31 cost: -447.234 time_iter: wall: 0.0372581s cpu: 0.0736081s time_optim: wall: 1.62651s cpu: 3.15687s   32: f:-4.472355e+02 d: 1.29e-03 g: 1.60e-01 h: 6.13e-03 s: 1.00e+00 e:  1 it: 3.84e-02 tt: 1.67e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:43] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i32] iter: 32 cost: -447.235 time_iter: wall: 0.0388177s cpu: 0.0753357s time_optim: wall: 1.66532s cpu: 3.23221s   33: f:-4.472360e+02 d: 4.63e-04 g: 1.61e-01 h: 1.32e-02 s: 1.00e+00 e:  1 it: 3.70e-02 tt: 1.70e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:43] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i33] iter: 33 cost: -447.236 time_iter: wall: 0.0374512s cpu: 0.0755949s time_optim: wall: 1.70277s cpu: 3.3078s   34: f:-4.472361e+02 d: 1.07e-04 g: 1.54e-02 h: 6.50e-03 s: 1.00e+00 e:  1 it: 3.63e-02 tt: 1.74e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:43] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i34] iter: 34 cost: -447.236 time_iter: wall: 0.036703s cpu: 0.0725629s time_optim: wall: 1.73948s cpu: 3.38036s   35: f:-4.472361e+02 d: 1.71e-06 g: 4.67e-03 h: 8.97e-04 s: 1.00e+00 e:  1 it: 3.81e-02 tt: 1.78e+00
[2020-06-24 17:41:43] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i35] iter: 35 cost: -447.236 time_iter: wall: 0.0385312s cpu: 0.076953s time_optim: wall: 1.77801s cpu: 3.45732s Line search failed: Wolfe zoom bracket width: 4.68275e-06 too small with descent_direction_max_norm: 8.19905e-05. Terminating: Parameter tolerance reached. Relative step_norm: 0.000000e+00 <= 1.000000e-08.
[2020-06-24 17:41:43] [INF] [0:139880252290816/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0i36] Optimizer status 0, final llh: -4.472361e+02, time: wall: 1.970559 cpu: 3.852414.
[2020-06-24 17:41:44] [INF] [0:139880673687488/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Walltime on master: 3.286791s, CPU time of all processes: 13.255544s
[2020-06-24 17:41:44] [INF] [0:139880673687488/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Sent termination signal to workers.
ceres_optimization_result_filename = 'deletemeceres/_rank00000.h5'
trajectories_ceres = parpe.getCostTrajectories(ceres_optimization_result_filename)
ax = parpe.plotting.plotCostTrajectory(trajectories_ipopt, log=False);
parpe.plotting.plotCostTrajectory(trajectories_ceres, log=False, ax=ax);
ax.legend(['Ipopt', 'Ceres'])
ax.set_title('Convergence Ipopt vs. Ceres');
#  __Exp____ __Act______ __Err______ __RelErr___ __ID_______
0:   1.00000     0.30548    -0.69452    -0.69452 p1
1:   0.50000     0.30052    -0.19948    -0.39895 p2
2:   0.40000     0.16337    -0.23663    -0.59158 p3
3:   2.00000     1.81043    -0.18957    -0.09478 p4
4:   0.10000     0.04597    -0.05403    -0.54034 p5
5:   2.00000     0.16233    -1.83767    -0.91883 scaling_x1_common
6:   3.00000     2.99965    -0.00035    -0.00012 offset_x2_batch_0
7:   0.20000     0.13703    -0.06297    -0.31484 x1withsigma_sigma
8:   4.00000     4.00120     0.00120     0.00030 offset_x2_batch_1

Status: 0
Cost: -447.236062 (expected: -0.000000)