parPE example: steadystate model - minibatch optimization

This example demonstrates some basic use of the mini-batch optimizer in parPE.


The prerequisites mention in parpeExampleSteadystateBasic.ipynb also apply to this notebook.

import amici
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
from importlib import reload

# set paths
parpe_source_root = os.path.abspath('../../../')
parpe_build_root = os.path.join(parpe_source_root, 'build')

model_source_dir = f'{parpe_build_root}/examples/parpeamici/steadystate/steadystate_scaled-prefix/src/steadystate_scaled/model_steadystate_scaled'
example_binary_dir = f'{parpe_build_root}/examples/parpeamici/steadystate/'
example_data_dir = f'{parpe_build_root}/examples/parpeamici/steadystate/steadystate_scaled-prefix/src/steadystate_scaled'
optimization_options_py = f'{parpe_source_root}/misc/'

# MPI launcher and options
mpiexec = "mpiexec -n 4 --allow-run-as-root --oversubscribe"

# load parpe module from source tree
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(parpe_source_root, 'python'))
import parpe
# rebuild example
!cd {parpe_build_root} && make
-- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.25.1")
-- Building version parPE-v0.4.3-43-gdc50b-dirty
[  0%] Built target get_version
[ 10%] Built target parpecommon
Scanning dependencies of target parpeoptimization
[ 11%] Building CXX object src/parpeoptimization/CMakeFiles/parpeoptimization.dir/optimizationResultWriter.cpp.o
[ 12%] Linking CXX static library libparpeoptimization-dbg.a
[ 21%] Built target parpeoptimization
[ 25%] Built target parpeloadbalancer
Scanning dependencies of target parpeamici
[ 26%] Building CXX object src/parpeamici/CMakeFiles/parpeamici.dir/optimizationApplication.cpp.o
[ 27%] Linking CXX static library libparpeamici-dbg.a
[ 37%] Built target parpeamici
[ 39%] Built target parpe
[ 45%] Built target unittests_common
[ 50%] Built target unittests_loadbalancer
[ 51%] Linking CXX executable unittests_optimization
[ 58%] Built target unittests_optimization
Setting up virtual environment...
[ 58%] Built target setup_venv
[ 59%] Creating test data using
Ran 3 tests in 0.001s

[ 59%] Built target prepare_test_hierarchical_optimization
[ 60%] Linking CXX executable unittests_amici
[ 67%] Built target unittests_amici
[ 69%] Built target example_loadbalancer
[ 70%] Performing build step for 'steadystate_scaled'
[ 90%] Built target model_steadystate_scaled
[ 94%] Built target simulate_model_steadystate_scaled
[ 96%] Built target model_steadystate_scaled_swig_compilation
[100%] Built target _model_steadystate_scaled
[ 72%] No install step for 'steadystate_scaled'
[ 73%] No test step for 'steadystate_scaled'
[ 74%] Completed 'steadystate_scaled'
[ 81%] Built target steadystate_scaled
[ 82%] Linking CXX executable example_steadystate
[ 84%] Built target example_steadystate
[ 86%] Linking CXX executable example_steadystate_multi
[ 88%] Built target example_steadystate_multi
[ 89%] Linking CXX executable example_steadystate_multi_simulator
[ 92%] Built target example_steadystate_multi_simulator
[ 93%] Linking CXX executable test_steadystate
[100%] Built target test_steadystate
# run make test to generated all output files required below
# !cd {parpe_build_root} && make test

Mini-batch optimization

hdf5_file_minibatch = f'{example_data_dir}/example_data_minibatch.h5'
!cp {example_data_dir}/example_data.h5 {hdf5FileMinibatch}

# Generic options:
# One optimizer run
!{optimization_options_py} {hdf5_file_minibatch} -s numStarts 1
# Hierarchical optimization not yet supported with minibatch (#118)
!{optimization_options_py} {hdf5_file_minibatch} -s hierarchicalOptimization 0
# Do not repeat on failure
!{optimization_options_py} {hdf5_file_minibatch} -s retryOptimization 0

# Mini-batch options:
# Select mini-batch optimizer
!{optimization_options_py} {hdf5_file_minibatch} -s optimizer 10
# Set number of epochs
!{optimization_options_py} {hdf5_file_minibatch} -s minibatch/maxEpochs 40
# Set batch-size
!{optimization_options_py} {hdf5_file_minibatch} -s minibatch/batchSize 2
# Set parameter updating scheme
!{optimization_options_py} {hdf5_file_minibatch} -s minibatch/parameterUpdater Vanilla
# Set learning rate
!{optimization_options_py} {hdf5_file_minibatch} -s minibatch/startLearningRate 1e-5
!{optimization_options_py} {hdf5_file_minibatch} -s minibatch/endLearningRate 1e-5

# Print settings
!{optimization_options_py} {hdf5_file_minibatch}
                hierarchicalOptimization            0
                               numStarts            1
                               optimizer           10
                       retryOptimization            0
                ceres/max_num_iterations          100
                         fmincon/GradObj        b'on'
                     fmincon/MaxFunEvals   10000000.0
                         fmincon/MaxIter          100
                          fmincon/TolFun            0
                            fmincon/TolX        1e-08
                       fmincon/algorithm b'interior-point'
                         fmincon/display      b'iter'
                   ipopt/acceptable_iter            1
         ipopt/acceptable_obj_change_tol        1e-05
                    ipopt/acceptable_tol        1e-05
             ipopt/hessian_approximation b'limited-memory'
        ipopt/limited_memory_update_type      b'bfgs'
                          ipopt/max_iter           20
                               ipopt/tol        1e-09
   ipopt/watchdog_shortened_iter_trigger            0
                     minibatch/batchSize            2
               minibatch/endLearningRate        1e-05
                     minibatch/maxEpochs           40
              minibatch/parameterUpdater   b'Vanilla'
             minibatch/startLearningRate        1e-05
                          toms611/mxfcal  100000000.0
# Optional
!{parpe_source_root}/misc/ {hdf5_file_minibatch} 9 # select starting point
Creating starting point backup in /optimizationOptions/randomStartsBackup
Selecting starting points [9]
    {mpiexec} {example_binary_dir}/example_steadystate_multi \
        --mpi -o deleteme-minibatch/ {hdf5_file_minibatch}
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270737766336/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Running with 4 MPI processes.
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270737766336/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Reading random initial theta 0 from /optimizationOptions/randomStarts
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e0b1] iter: 0 cost: 3554.69 time_iter: wall: 0.0476933s cpu: 0.0854863s time_optim: wall: 0.0476936s cpu: 0.0854863s
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e1b1] iter: 1 cost: 2584.42 time_iter: wall: 0.0437777s cpu: 0.0775371s time_optim: wall: 0.0914716s cpu: 0.163023s
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e2b1] iter: 2 cost: 1628.43 time_iter: wall: 0.0415349s cpu: 0.0745043s time_optim: wall: 0.133007s cpu: 0.237528s
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e3b1] iter: 3 cost: 1628.3 time_iter: wall: 0.0422477s cpu: 0.0746888s time_optim: wall: 0.175255s cpu: 0.312217s
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e4b1] iter: 4 cost: 2584.01 time_iter: wall: 0.0575522s cpu: 0.097932s time_optim: wall: 0.232807s cpu: 0.410149s
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e5b1] iter: 5 cost: 2583.87 time_iter: wall: 0.048339s cpu: 0.0843479s time_optim: wall: 0.281147s cpu: 0.494496s
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e6b1] iter: 6 cost: 2598.01 time_iter: wall: 0.0445327s cpu: 0.0791551s time_optim: wall: 0.325679s cpu: 0.573652s
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e7b1] iter: 7 cost: 2576.16 time_iter: wall: 0.0442095s cpu: 0.078626s time_optim: wall: 0.369889s cpu: 0.652278s
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e8b1] iter: 8 cost: 2597.73 time_iter: wall: 0.0499246s cpu: 0.0864627s time_optim: wall: 0.419814s cpu: 0.73874s
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e9b1] iter: 9 cost: 2575.88 time_iter: wall: 0.0454407s cpu: 0.0816869s time_optim: wall: 0.465255s cpu: 0.820427s
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e10b1] iter: 10 cost: 2583.17 time_iter: wall: 0.0545201s cpu: 0.0869733s time_optim: wall: 0.519775s cpu: 0.907401s
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e11b1] iter: 11 cost: 2575.6 time_iter: wall: 0.0554565s cpu: 0.0902942s time_optim: wall: 0.575232s cpu: 0.997695s
[2020-06-24 18:03:20] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e12b1] iter: 12 cost: 1627.08 time_iter: wall: 0.0570406s cpu: 0.090515s time_optim: wall: 0.632273s cpu: 1.08821s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e13b1] iter: 13 cost: 3552.87 time_iter: wall: 0.0568286s cpu: 0.0945186s time_optim: wall: 0.689102s cpu: 1.18273s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e14b1] iter: 14 cost: 2582.62 time_iter: wall: 0.0467445s cpu: 0.082892s time_optim: wall: 0.735847s cpu: 1.26562s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e15b1] iter: 15 cost: 2596.78 time_iter: wall: 0.06091s cpu: 0.0964501s time_optim: wall: 0.796757s cpu: 1.36207s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e16b1] iter: 16 cost: 2596.65 time_iter: wall: 0.0507164s cpu: 0.0857777s time_optim: wall: 0.847473s cpu: 1.44785s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e17b1] iter: 17 cost: 2574.77 time_iter: wall: 0.0572344s cpu: 0.0915431s time_optim: wall: 0.904708s cpu: 1.53939s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e18b1] iter: 18 cost: 2574.63 time_iter: wall: 0.0548787s cpu: 0.0869427s time_optim: wall: 0.959587s cpu: 1.62633s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e19b1] iter: 19 cost: 2581.92 time_iter: wall: 0.0569721s cpu: 0.0896724s time_optim: wall: 1.01656s cpu: 1.71601s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e20b1] iter: 20 cost: 2581.78 time_iter: wall: 0.0576468s cpu: 0.0908332s time_optim: wall: 1.07421s cpu: 1.80684s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e21b1] iter: 21 cost: 2603.39 time_iter: wall: 0.0577943s cpu: 0.0928978s time_optim: wall: 1.132s cpu: 1.89974s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e22b1] iter: 22 cost: 2603.25 time_iter: wall: 0.0454081s cpu: 0.0805325s time_optim: wall: 1.17741s cpu: 1.98027s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e23b1] iter: 23 cost: 2573.93 time_iter: wall: 0.0424495s cpu: 0.0757748s time_optim: wall: 1.21986s cpu: 2.05604s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e24b1] iter: 24 cost: 2581.22 time_iter: wall: 0.0432327s cpu: 0.0768418s time_optim: wall: 1.26309s cpu: 2.13289s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e25b1] iter: 25 cost: 2602.84 time_iter: wall: 0.0578171s cpu: 0.0913525s time_optim: wall: 1.32091s cpu: 2.22424s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e26b1] iter: 26 cost: 3551.05 time_iter: wall: 0.0428939s cpu: 0.0763334s time_optim: wall: 1.3638s cpu: 2.30057s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e27b1] iter: 27 cost: 1625.04 time_iter: wall: 0.0448466s cpu: 0.0784589s time_optim: wall: 1.40865s cpu: 2.37903s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e28b1] iter: 28 cost: 1624.91 time_iter: wall: 0.0442186s cpu: 0.0786546s time_optim: wall: 1.45287s cpu: 2.45769s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e29b1] iter: 29 cost: 2573.11 time_iter: wall: 0.0588466s cpu: 0.0917757s time_optim: wall: 1.51172s cpu: 2.54946s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e30b1] iter: 30 cost: 2594.74 time_iter: wall: 0.0570472s cpu: 0.0894142s time_optim: wall: 1.56876s cpu: 2.63888s
[2020-06-24 18:03:21] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e31b1] iter: 31 cost: 2594.61 time_iter: wall: 0.0437171s cpu: 0.0783228s time_optim: wall: 1.61248s cpu: 2.7172s
[2020-06-24 18:03:22] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e32b1] iter: 32 cost: 1624.37 time_iter: wall: 0.0439255s cpu: 0.0783519s time_optim: wall: 1.65641s cpu: 2.79555s
[2020-06-24 18:03:22] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e33b1] iter: 33 cost: 2572.55 time_iter: wall: 0.0425016s cpu: 0.0756871s time_optim: wall: 1.69891s cpu: 2.87124s
[2020-06-24 18:03:22] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e34b1] iter: 34 cost: 2594.2 time_iter: wall: 0.0439749s cpu: 0.0782568s time_optim: wall: 1.74288s cpu: 2.94949s
[2020-06-24 18:03:22] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e35b1] iter: 35 cost: 1623.97 time_iter: wall: 0.0482329s cpu: 0.08319s time_optim: wall: 1.79112s cpu: 3.03268s
[2020-06-24 18:03:22] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e36b1] iter: 36 cost: 2601.35 time_iter: wall: 0.0563434s cpu: 0.0899884s time_optim: wall: 1.84746s cpu: 3.12267s
[2020-06-24 18:03:22] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e37b1] iter: 37 cost: 2593.79 time_iter: wall: 0.0568368s cpu: 0.0906086s time_optim: wall: 1.9043s cpu: 3.21328s
[2020-06-24 18:03:22] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e38b1] iter: 38 cost: 2593.66 time_iter: wall: 0.0575143s cpu: 0.0902695s time_optim: wall: 1.96181s cpu: 3.30355s
[2020-06-24 18:03:22] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e39b1] iter: 39 cost: 2579.14 time_iter: wall: 0.0555223s cpu: 0.0883681s time_optim: wall: 2.01733s cpu: 3.39192s
[2020-06-24 18:03:22] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0] Number of epochs exceeded.
[2020-06-24 18:03:22] [INF] [0:140270251255552/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0] Optimizer status 1, final llh: 2.586261e+03, time: wall: 2.059439 cpu: 3.479924.
[2020-06-24 18:03:24] [INF] [0:140270737766336/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Walltime on master: 4.300712s, CPU time of all processes: 17.190522s
[2020-06-24 18:03:24] [INF] [0:140270737766336/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Sent termination signal to workers.
filename = 'deleteme-minibatch/_rank00000.h5'
with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f:
    trajectory = f['/multistarts/0/iterCostFunCost'][:]
for start in range(trajectory.shape[0]):
    plt.gca().set_xlabel("Function evaluation")

Compare learning rates

learningRates = np.logspace(-2, -5, 4)
for i, learningRate in enumerate(learningRates):
    curInputFile = "example-data-minibatch-rate-%d.h5" % i
    outprefix = "deleteme-minibatch-rate-%d/" % i
    !cp {hdf5FileMinibatch} {curInputFile}
    !{optimizationOptionsPy} {curInputFile} -s minibatch/startLearningRate learningRate
    !{optimizationOptionsPy} {curInputFile} -s minibatch/endLearningRate 1e-5
            {mpiexec} {example_binary_dir}/example_steadystate_multi \
                --mpi -o {outprefix} {hdf5FileMinibatch}
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128563488704/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Running with 4 MPI processes.
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128563488704/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Reading random initial theta 0 from /optimizationOptions/randomStarts
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e0b1] iter: 0 cost: 1628.7 time_iter: wall: 0.0651095s cpu: 0.101819s time_optim: wall: 0.0651098s cpu: 0.101819s
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e1b1] iter: 1 cost: 1628.57 time_iter: wall: 0.0477085s cpu: 0.0842107s time_optim: wall: 0.112819s cpu: 0.18603s
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e2b1] iter: 2 cost: 2598.55 time_iter: wall: 0.0467025s cpu: 0.081893s time_optim: wall: 0.159521s cpu: 0.267923s
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e3b1] iter: 3 cost: 2584.15 time_iter: wall: 0.0488849s cpu: 0.0847768s time_optim: wall: 0.208406s cpu: 0.3527s
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e4b1] iter: 4 cost: 2598.28 time_iter: wall: 0.0470017s cpu: 0.0824214s time_optim: wall: 0.255408s cpu: 0.435121s
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e5b1] iter: 5 cost: 3553.99 time_iter: wall: 0.0471031s cpu: 0.082031s time_optim: wall: 0.302512s cpu: 0.517152s
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e6b1] iter: 6 cost: 2598.01 time_iter: wall: 0.0443932s cpu: 0.0794086s time_optim: wall: 0.346905s cpu: 0.596561s
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e7b1] iter: 7 cost: 2597.87 time_iter: wall: 0.0585004s cpu: 0.0935554s time_optim: wall: 0.405406s cpu: 0.690116s
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e8b1] iter: 8 cost: 3553.57 time_iter: wall: 0.0474411s cpu: 0.082477s time_optim: wall: 0.452847s cpu: 0.772593s
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e9b1] iter: 9 cost: 2583.31 time_iter: wall: 0.0491929s cpu: 0.0852675s time_optim: wall: 0.50204s cpu: 0.857861s
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e10b1] iter: 10 cost: 3553.3 time_iter: wall: 0.0506385s cpu: 0.0866106s time_optim: wall: 0.552679s cpu: 0.944471s
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e11b1] iter: 11 cost: 2583.04 time_iter: wall: 0.0505453s cpu: 0.0842736s time_optim: wall: 0.603224s cpu: 1.02874s
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e12b1] iter: 12 cost: 2597.19 time_iter: wall: 0.0515001s cpu: 0.0877196s time_optim: wall: 0.654725s cpu: 1.11646s
[2020-06-24 18:04:11] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e13b1] iter: 13 cost: 1626.95 time_iter: wall: 0.0516208s cpu: 0.088255s time_optim: wall: 0.706346s cpu: 1.20472s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e14b1] iter: 14 cost: 2575.19 time_iter: wall: 0.0522611s cpu: 0.0872468s time_optim: wall: 0.758607s cpu: 1.29197s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e15b1] iter: 15 cost: 2604.21 time_iter: wall: 0.0539821s cpu: 0.0892329s time_optim: wall: 0.812589s cpu: 1.3812s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e16b1] iter: 16 cost: 2596.65 time_iter: wall: 0.0486306s cpu: 0.0838493s time_optim: wall: 0.86122s cpu: 1.46505s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e17b1] iter: 17 cost: 3552.32 time_iter: wall: 0.0468001s cpu: 0.0833688s time_optim: wall: 0.90802s cpu: 1.54842s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e18b1] iter: 18 cost: 3552.18 time_iter: wall: 0.0461051s cpu: 0.0819807s time_optim: wall: 0.954126s cpu: 1.6304s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e19b1] iter: 19 cost: 3552.04 time_iter: wall: 0.0565551s cpu: 0.0897935s time_optim: wall: 1.01068s cpu: 1.72019s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e20b1] iter: 20 cost: 2596.11 time_iter: wall: 0.0578384s cpu: 0.0915457s time_optim: wall: 1.06852s cpu: 1.81174s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e21b1] iter: 21 cost: 2603.4 time_iter: wall: 0.0575343s cpu: 0.0936316s time_optim: wall: 1.12605s cpu: 1.90537s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e22b1] iter: 22 cost: 1625.73 time_iter: wall: 0.0576452s cpu: 0.0938341s time_optim: wall: 1.1837s cpu: 1.9992s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e23b1] iter: 23 cost: 2595.7 time_iter: wall: 0.0573879s cpu: 0.0921114s time_optim: wall: 1.24109s cpu: 2.09131s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e24b1] iter: 24 cost: 1625.46 time_iter: wall: 0.0561392s cpu: 0.0893061s time_optim: wall: 1.29723s cpu: 2.18062s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e25b1] iter: 25 cost: 2595.43 time_iter: wall: 0.0546376s cpu: 0.0916923s time_optim: wall: 1.35187s cpu: 2.27231s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e26b1] iter: 26 cost: 2602.72 time_iter: wall: 0.0581859s cpu: 0.0912279s time_optim: wall: 1.41005s cpu: 2.36354s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e27b1] iter: 27 cost: 2602.58 time_iter: wall: 0.0470694s cpu: 0.0836855s time_optim: wall: 1.45712s cpu: 2.44723s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e28b1] iter: 28 cost: 2573.25 time_iter: wall: 0.0480904s cpu: 0.0840095s time_optim: wall: 1.50521s cpu: 2.53124s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e29b1] iter: 29 cost: 2602.31 time_iter: wall: 0.0588577s cpu: 0.103163s time_optim: wall: 1.56407s cpu: 2.6344s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e30b1] iter: 30 cost: 2594.75 time_iter: wall: 0.058872s cpu: 0.0957537s time_optim: wall: 1.62294s cpu: 2.73015s
[2020-06-24 18:04:12] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e31b1] iter: 31 cost: 2594.61 time_iter: wall: 0.057997s cpu: 0.0920542s time_optim: wall: 1.68094s cpu: 2.82221s
[2020-06-24 18:04:13] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e32b1] iter: 32 cost: 2572.7 time_iter: wall: 0.0587806s cpu: 0.0933812s time_optim: wall: 1.73972s cpu: 2.91559s
[2020-06-24 18:04:13] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e33b1] iter: 33 cost: 1624.24 time_iter: wall: 0.0493689s cpu: 0.0846965s time_optim: wall: 1.78909s cpu: 3.00028s
[2020-06-24 18:04:13] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e34b1] iter: 34 cost: 1624.11 time_iter: wall: 0.0479775s cpu: 0.0844509s time_optim: wall: 1.83707s cpu: 3.08474s
[2020-06-24 18:04:13] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e35b1] iter: 35 cost: 2594.07 time_iter: wall: 0.0559033s cpu: 0.0929584s time_optim: wall: 1.89297s cpu: 3.17769s
[2020-06-24 18:04:13] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e36b1] iter: 36 cost: 2579.57 time_iter: wall: 0.0611445s cpu: 0.108288s time_optim: wall: 1.95411s cpu: 3.28598s
[2020-06-24 18:04:13] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e37b1] iter: 37 cost: 2593.8 time_iter: wall: 0.0492099s cpu: 0.0865385s time_optim: wall: 2.00332s cpu: 3.37252s
[2020-06-24 18:04:13] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e38b1] iter: 38 cost: 1623.57 time_iter: wall: 0.0489464s cpu: 0.0848573s time_optim: wall: 2.05227s cpu: 3.45738s
[2020-06-24 18:04:13] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e39b1] iter: 39 cost: 2600.95 time_iter: wall: 0.0451686s cpu: 0.079828s time_optim: wall: 2.09744s cpu: 3.53721s
[2020-06-24 18:04:13] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0] Number of epochs exceeded.
[2020-06-24 18:04:13] [INF] [0:140128139867904/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0] Optimizer status 1, final llh: 2.586273e+03, time: wall: 2.148572 cpu: 3.630505.
[2020-06-24 18:04:15] [INF] [0:140128563488704/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Walltime on master: 4.318119s, CPU time of all processes: 16.971442s
[2020-06-24 18:04:15] [INF] [0:140128563488704/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Sent termination signal to workers.
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040514709440/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Running with 4 MPI processes.
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040514709440/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Reading random initial theta 0 from /optimizationOptions/randomStarts
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e0b1] iter: 0 cost: 1628.7 time_iter: wall: 0.0620374s cpu: 0.0965123s time_optim: wall: 0.0620377s cpu: 0.0965123s
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e1b1] iter: 1 cost: 2606.12 time_iter: wall: 0.0619933s cpu: 0.0968211s time_optim: wall: 0.124031s cpu: 0.193333s
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e2b1] iter: 2 cost: 1628.43 time_iter: wall: 0.062497s cpu: 0.0970936s time_optim: wall: 0.186528s cpu: 0.290427s
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e3b1] iter: 3 cost: 2584.15 time_iter: wall: 0.0628173s cpu: 0.0975342s time_optim: wall: 0.249346s cpu: 0.387961s
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e4b1] iter: 4 cost: 2576.57 time_iter: wall: 0.0630493s cpu: 0.102265s time_optim: wall: 0.312428s cpu: 0.490226s
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e5b1] iter: 5 cost: 2598.14 time_iter: wall: 0.0627134s cpu: 0.10023s time_optim: wall: 0.375142s cpu: 0.590456s
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e6b1] iter: 6 cost: 2605.44 time_iter: wall: 0.0462647s cpu: 0.0822424s time_optim: wall: 0.421407s cpu: 0.672698s
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e7b1] iter: 7 cost: 2576.15 time_iter: wall: 0.0446779s cpu: 0.0798674s time_optim: wall: 0.466085s cpu: 0.752566s
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e8b1] iter: 8 cost: 2605.16 time_iter: wall: 0.0459914s cpu: 0.0820788s time_optim: wall: 0.512076s cpu: 0.834645s
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e9b1] iter: 9 cost: 2605.03 time_iter: wall: 0.0460034s cpu: 0.0822501s time_optim: wall: 0.55808s cpu: 0.916895s
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e10b1] iter: 10 cost: 2583.17 time_iter: wall: 0.0485059s cpu: 0.086197s time_optim: wall: 0.606586s cpu: 1.00309s
[2020-06-24 18:04:18] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e11b1] iter: 11 cost: 2583.03 time_iter: wall: 0.0455353s cpu: 0.0812845s time_optim: wall: 0.652122s cpu: 1.08438s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e12b1] iter: 12 cost: 2575.46 time_iter: wall: 0.0487622s cpu: 0.0848217s time_optim: wall: 0.700884s cpu: 1.1692s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e13b1] iter: 13 cost: 2597.05 time_iter: wall: 0.0459065s cpu: 0.0815944s time_optim: wall: 0.746791s cpu: 1.25079s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e14b1] iter: 14 cost: 2575.18 time_iter: wall: 0.0538032s cpu: 0.0896016s time_optim: wall: 0.800594s cpu: 1.34039s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e15b1] iter: 15 cost: 3552.59 time_iter: wall: 0.0570818s cpu: 0.090847s time_optim: wall: 0.857676s cpu: 1.43124s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e16b1] iter: 16 cost: 2604.07 time_iter: wall: 0.0582828s cpu: 0.0929545s time_optim: wall: 0.915959s cpu: 1.5242s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e17b1] iter: 17 cost: 2603.93 time_iter: wall: 0.0572582s cpu: 0.0936604s time_optim: wall: 0.973218s cpu: 1.61786s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e18b1] iter: 18 cost: 3552.17 time_iter: wall: 0.0604522s cpu: 0.0956316s time_optim: wall: 1.03367s cpu: 1.71349s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e19b1] iter: 19 cost: 2574.49 time_iter: wall: 0.0533441s cpu: 0.0905578s time_optim: wall: 1.08701s cpu: 1.80405s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e20b1] iter: 20 cost: 1625.99 time_iter: wall: 0.0601746s cpu: 0.0969461s time_optim: wall: 1.14719s cpu: 1.90099s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e21b1] iter: 21 cost: 2574.21 time_iter: wall: 0.0592998s cpu: 0.105119s time_optim: wall: 1.20649s cpu: 2.00611s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e22b1] iter: 22 cost: 1625.72 time_iter: wall: 0.0596036s cpu: 0.0961369s time_optim: wall: 1.26609s cpu: 2.10225s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e23b1] iter: 23 cost: 2573.94 time_iter: wall: 0.0591221s cpu: 0.0945617s time_optim: wall: 1.32522s cpu: 2.19681s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e24b1] iter: 24 cost: 2595.56 time_iter: wall: 0.0595344s cpu: 0.0985397s time_optim: wall: 1.38475s cpu: 2.29535s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e25b1] iter: 25 cost: 2581.08 time_iter: wall: 0.0579072s cpu: 0.0970798s time_optim: wall: 1.44266s cpu: 2.39243s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e26b1] iter: 26 cost: 2602.71 time_iter: wall: 0.0517033s cpu: 0.0917851s time_optim: wall: 1.49436s cpu: 2.48421s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e27b1] iter: 27 cost: 2573.38 time_iter: wall: 0.0583215s cpu: 0.102639s time_optim: wall: 1.55268s cpu: 2.58685s
[2020-06-24 18:04:19] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e28b1] iter: 28 cost: 3550.77 time_iter: wall: 0.0573798s cpu: 0.0999289s time_optim: wall: 1.61006s cpu: 2.68678s
[2020-06-24 18:04:20] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e29b1] iter: 29 cost: 1624.78 time_iter: wall: 0.055416s cpu: 0.0946081s time_optim: wall: 1.66548s cpu: 2.78139s
[2020-06-24 18:04:20] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e30b1] iter: 30 cost: 2594.74 time_iter: wall: 0.0597373s cpu: 0.0974391s time_optim: wall: 1.72522s cpu: 2.87883s
[2020-06-24 18:04:20] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e31b1] iter: 31 cost: 2602.03 time_iter: wall: 0.059422s cpu: 0.0976637s time_optim: wall: 1.78464s cpu: 2.97649s
[2020-06-24 18:04:20] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e32b1] iter: 32 cost: 2594.47 time_iter: wall: 0.0603956s cpu: 0.096248s time_optim: wall: 1.84504s cpu: 3.07274s
[2020-06-24 18:04:20] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e33b1] iter: 33 cost: 2579.97 time_iter: wall: 0.059686s cpu: 0.0955575s time_optim: wall: 1.90472s cpu: 3.1683s
[2020-06-24 18:04:20] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e34b1] iter: 34 cost: 3549.94 time_iter: wall: 0.059981s cpu: 0.0954454s time_optim: wall: 1.9647s cpu: 3.26374s
[2020-06-24 18:04:20] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e35b1] iter: 35 cost: 1623.97 time_iter: wall: 0.0601407s cpu: 0.0941339s time_optim: wall: 2.02484s cpu: 3.35788s
[2020-06-24 18:04:20] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e36b1] iter: 36 cost: 2572.14 time_iter: wall: 0.0590763s cpu: 0.0937153s time_optim: wall: 2.08392s cpu: 3.45159s
[2020-06-24 18:04:20] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e37b1] iter: 37 cost: 3549.52 time_iter: wall: 0.0544017s cpu: 0.0886217s time_optim: wall: 2.13832s cpu: 3.54021s
[2020-06-24 18:04:20] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e38b1] iter: 38 cost: 2571.86 time_iter: wall: 0.0442645s cpu: 0.079001s time_optim: wall: 2.18259s cpu: 3.61922s
[2020-06-24 18:04:20] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e39b1] iter: 39 cost: 2593.52 time_iter: wall: 0.0511828s cpu: 0.0884544s time_optim: wall: 2.23377s cpu: 3.70767s
[2020-06-24 18:04:20] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0] Number of epochs exceeded.
[2020-06-24 18:04:20] [INF] [0:140040025929472/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0] Optimizer status 1, final llh: 2.586263e+03, time: wall: 2.275734 cpu: 3.796501.
[2020-06-24 18:04:22] [INF] [0:140040514709440/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Walltime on master: 4.291548s, CPU time of all processes: 17.236513s
[2020-06-24 18:04:22] [INF] [0:140040514709440/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Sent termination signal to workers.
[2020-06-24 18:04:25] [INF] [0:139861087696832/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Running with 4 MPI processes.
[2020-06-24 18:04:25] [INF] [0:139861087696832/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Reading random initial theta 0 from /optimizationOptions/randomStarts
[2020-06-24 18:04:25] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e0b1] iter: 0 cost: 2598.82 time_iter: wall: 0.0622845s cpu: 0.0999832s time_optim: wall: 0.0622848s cpu: 0.0999832s
[2020-06-24 18:04:25] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e1b1] iter: 1 cost: 2606.12 time_iter: wall: 0.0630269s cpu: 0.102431s time_optim: wall: 0.125312s cpu: 0.202415s
[2020-06-24 18:04:25] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e2b1] iter: 2 cost: 2598.55 time_iter: wall: 0.0628939s cpu: 0.099197s time_optim: wall: 0.188206s cpu: 0.301612s
[2020-06-24 18:04:25] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e3b1] iter: 3 cost: 2598.41 time_iter: wall: 0.0632113s cpu: 0.0997596s time_optim: wall: 0.251418s cpu: 0.401371s
[2020-06-24 18:04:25] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e4b1] iter: 4 cost: 2598.27 time_iter: wall: 0.0630509s cpu: 0.100739s time_optim: wall: 0.314469s cpu: 0.50211s
[2020-06-24 18:04:25] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e5b1] iter: 5 cost: 2583.86 time_iter: wall: 0.0630902s cpu: 0.0993292s time_optim: wall: 0.37756s cpu: 0.601439s
[2020-06-24 18:04:25] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e6b1] iter: 6 cost: 2583.72 time_iter: wall: 0.0641154s cpu: 0.106232s time_optim: wall: 0.441675s cpu: 0.707671s
[2020-06-24 18:04:25] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e7b1] iter: 7 cost: 2597.86 time_iter: wall: 0.063322s cpu: 0.104737s time_optim: wall: 0.504998s cpu: 0.812409s
[2020-06-24 18:04:25] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e8b1] iter: 8 cost: 1627.61 time_iter: wall: 0.0602295s cpu: 0.10042s time_optim: wall: 0.565227s cpu: 0.912828s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e9b1] iter: 9 cost: 1627.48 time_iter: wall: 0.0614533s cpu: 0.100033s time_optim: wall: 0.626681s cpu: 1.01286s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e10b1] iter: 10 cost: 1627.35 time_iter: wall: 0.0613093s cpu: 0.0965668s time_optim: wall: 0.68799s cpu: 1.10943s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e11b1] iter: 11 cost: 2597.32 time_iter: wall: 0.0610382s cpu: 0.100296s time_optim: wall: 0.749029s cpu: 1.20972s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e12b1] iter: 12 cost: 3553.01 time_iter: wall: 0.0620061s cpu: 0.0983909s time_optim: wall: 0.811035s cpu: 1.30811s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e13b1] iter: 13 cost: 2597.05 time_iter: wall: 0.0660115s cpu: 0.118999s time_optim: wall: 0.877047s cpu: 1.42711s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e14b1] iter: 14 cost: 2582.61 time_iter: wall: 0.0636964s cpu: 0.111761s time_optim: wall: 0.940744s cpu: 1.53888s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e15b1] iter: 15 cost: 3552.59 time_iter: wall: 0.0719714s cpu: 0.111735s time_optim: wall: 1.01272s cpu: 1.65061s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e16b1] iter: 16 cost: 2582.34 time_iter: wall: 0.0763708s cpu: 0.11809s time_optim: wall: 1.08909s cpu: 1.7687s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e17b1] iter: 17 cost: 2574.77 time_iter: wall: 0.0676391s cpu: 0.114936s time_optim: wall: 1.15673s cpu: 1.88364s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e18b1] iter: 18 cost: 1626.27 time_iter: wall: 0.0677754s cpu: 0.120742s time_optim: wall: 1.2245s cpu: 2.00438s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e19b1] iter: 19 cost: 2596.24 time_iter: wall: 0.0628398s cpu: 0.101457s time_optim: wall: 1.28734s cpu: 2.10583s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e20b1] iter: 20 cost: 3551.9 time_iter: wall: 0.0641185s cpu: 0.111732s time_optim: wall: 1.35146s cpu: 2.21757s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e21b1] iter: 21 cost: 2574.22 time_iter: wall: 0.0664898s cpu: 0.12155s time_optim: wall: 1.41795s cpu: 2.33912s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e22b1] iter: 22 cost: 3551.62 time_iter: wall: 0.0676231s cpu: 0.121595s time_optim: wall: 1.48557s cpu: 2.46071s
[2020-06-24 18:04:26] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e23b1] iter: 23 cost: 2573.94 time_iter: wall: 0.0675655s cpu: 0.121896s time_optim: wall: 1.55314s cpu: 2.58261s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e24b1] iter: 24 cost: 2595.56 time_iter: wall: 0.0685067s cpu: 0.122986s time_optim: wall: 1.62165s cpu: 2.70559s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e25b1] iter: 25 cost: 1625.32 time_iter: wall: 0.0680839s cpu: 0.123413s time_optim: wall: 1.68973s cpu: 2.82901s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e26b1] iter: 26 cost: 3551.06 time_iter: wall: 0.0672257s cpu: 0.122315s time_optim: wall: 1.75696s cpu: 2.95132s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e27b1] iter: 27 cost: 3550.93 time_iter: wall: 0.066949s cpu: 0.121663s time_optim: wall: 1.82391s cpu: 3.07299s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e28b1] iter: 28 cost: 2580.68 time_iter: wall: 0.0670295s cpu: 0.122009s time_optim: wall: 1.89094s cpu: 3.195s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e29b1] iter: 29 cost: 2602.31 time_iter: wall: 0.0672325s cpu: 0.122463s time_optim: wall: 1.95817s cpu: 3.31746s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e30b1] iter: 30 cost: 2594.75 time_iter: wall: 0.0673297s cpu: 0.122729s time_optim: wall: 2.0255s cpu: 3.44019s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e31b1] iter: 31 cost: 3550.37 time_iter: wall: 0.0686383s cpu: 0.125382s time_optim: wall: 2.09414s cpu: 3.56557s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e32b1] iter: 32 cost: 2601.9 time_iter: wall: 0.0725371s cpu: 0.127239s time_optim: wall: 2.16667s cpu: 3.69281s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e33b1] iter: 33 cost: 2594.34 time_iter: wall: 0.0698901s cpu: 0.127167s time_optim: wall: 2.23656s cpu: 3.81997s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e34b1] iter: 34 cost: 2579.84 time_iter: wall: 0.0696602s cpu: 0.127001s time_optim: wall: 2.30623s cpu: 3.94698s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e35b1] iter: 35 cost: 3549.81 time_iter: wall: 0.0690396s cpu: 0.125777s time_optim: wall: 2.37527s cpu: 4.07275s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e36b1] iter: 36 cost: 2572.15 time_iter: wall: 0.0686984s cpu: 0.125473s time_optim: wall: 2.44396s cpu: 4.19823s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e37b1] iter: 37 cost: 2572.01 time_iter: wall: 0.0689723s cpu: 0.126265s time_optim: wall: 2.51294s cpu: 4.32449s
[2020-06-24 18:04:27] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e38b1] iter: 38 cost: 3549.39 time_iter: wall: 0.0690215s cpu: 0.126387s time_optim: wall: 2.58196s cpu: 4.45088s
[2020-06-24 18:04:28] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e39b1] iter: 39 cost: 2593.53 time_iter: wall: 0.0673973s cpu: 0.122811s time_optim: wall: 2.64936s cpu: 4.57369s
[2020-06-24 18:04:28] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0] Number of epochs exceeded.
[2020-06-24 18:04:28] [INF] [0:139860668487424/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0] Optimizer status 1, final llh: 2.586273e+03, time: wall: 2.705125 cpu: 4.687131.
[2020-06-24 18:04:29] [INF] [0:139861087696832/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Walltime on master: 4.296504s, CPU time of all processes: 17.140153s
[2020-06-24 18:04:29] [INF] [0:139861087696832/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Sent termination signal to workers.
[2020-06-24 18:04:32] [INF] [0:139846431197120/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Running with 4 MPI processes.
[2020-06-24 18:04:32] [INF] [0:139846431197120/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Reading random initial theta 0 from /optimizationOptions/randomStarts
[2020-06-24 18:04:32] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e0b1] iter: 0 cost: 2606.26 time_iter: wall: 0.0724632s cpu: 0.128046s time_optim: wall: 0.0724636s cpu: 0.128046s
[2020-06-24 18:04:32] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e1b1] iter: 1 cost: 2576.99 time_iter: wall: 0.0686715s cpu: 0.119099s time_optim: wall: 0.141135s cpu: 0.247144s
[2020-06-24 18:04:32] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e2b1] iter: 2 cost: 2584.28 time_iter: wall: 0.0659187s cpu: 0.107962s time_optim: wall: 0.207054s cpu: 0.355107s
[2020-06-24 18:04:32] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e3b1] iter: 3 cost: 2605.84 time_iter: wall: 0.0734749s cpu: 0.122744s time_optim: wall: 0.280529s cpu: 0.477851s
[2020-06-24 18:04:32] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e4b1] iter: 4 cost: 2584 time_iter: wall: 0.0733659s cpu: 0.129842s time_optim: wall: 0.353896s cpu: 0.607693s
[2020-06-24 18:04:32] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e5b1] iter: 5 cost: 2576.43 time_iter: wall: 0.0822124s cpu: 0.138493s time_optim: wall: 0.436108s cpu: 0.746185s
[2020-06-24 18:04:32] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e6b1] iter: 6 cost: 1627.88 time_iter: wall: 0.0684215s cpu: 0.117872s time_optim: wall: 0.50453s cpu: 0.864057s
[2020-06-24 18:04:32] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e7b1] iter: 7 cost: 3553.71 time_iter: wall: 0.0669413s cpu: 0.113626s time_optim: wall: 0.571471s cpu: 0.977683s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e8b1] iter: 8 cost: 2576.02 time_iter: wall: 0.0643325s cpu: 0.112588s time_optim: wall: 0.635804s cpu: 1.09027s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e9b1] iter: 9 cost: 1627.48 time_iter: wall: 0.0634549s cpu: 0.10862s time_optim: wall: 0.699259s cpu: 1.19889s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e10b1] iter: 10 cost: 2604.89 time_iter: wall: 0.0794393s cpu: 0.122471s time_optim: wall: 0.778699s cpu: 1.32136s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e11b1] iter: 11 cost: 2604.75 time_iter: wall: 0.078345s cpu: 0.131707s time_optim: wall: 0.857044s cpu: 1.45307s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e12b1] iter: 12 cost: 3553.01 time_iter: wall: 0.0711897s cpu: 0.118781s time_optim: wall: 0.928234s cpu: 1.57185s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e13b1] iter: 13 cost: 2582.75 time_iter: wall: 0.0768808s cpu: 0.125589s time_optim: wall: 1.00512s cpu: 1.69744s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e14b1] iter: 14 cost: 2604.35 time_iter: wall: 0.0849613s cpu: 0.127864s time_optim: wall: 1.09008s cpu: 1.8253s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e15b1] iter: 15 cost: 2582.47 time_iter: wall: 0.0600042s cpu: 0.106648s time_optim: wall: 1.15008s cpu: 1.93195s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e16b1] iter: 16 cost: 2604.07 time_iter: wall: 0.0570566s cpu: 0.101367s time_optim: wall: 1.20714s cpu: 2.03332s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e17b1] iter: 17 cost: 2582.19 time_iter: wall: 0.0716678s cpu: 0.116911s time_optim: wall: 1.27881s cpu: 2.15023s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e18b1] iter: 18 cost: 2582.05 time_iter: wall: 0.0645508s cpu: 0.113642s time_optim: wall: 1.34336s cpu: 2.26387s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e19b1] iter: 19 cost: 1626.13 time_iter: wall: 0.0627529s cpu: 0.108511s time_optim: wall: 1.40611s cpu: 2.37238s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e20b1] iter: 20 cost: 2581.78 time_iter: wall: 0.064229s cpu: 0.105655s time_optim: wall: 1.47034s cpu: 2.47804s
[2020-06-24 18:04:33] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e21b1] iter: 21 cost: 2574.21 time_iter: wall: 0.0626647s cpu: 0.104949s time_optim: wall: 1.533s cpu: 2.58298s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e22b1] iter: 22 cost: 2581.5 time_iter: wall: 0.0644101s cpu: 0.115989s time_optim: wall: 1.59742s cpu: 2.69897s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e23b1] iter: 23 cost: 2595.69 time_iter: wall: 0.0647155s cpu: 0.118407s time_optim: wall: 1.66213s cpu: 2.81738s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e24b1] iter: 24 cost: 2595.55 time_iter: wall: 0.0649485s cpu: 0.119045s time_optim: wall: 1.72708s cpu: 2.93643s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e25b1] iter: 25 cost: 2573.65 time_iter: wall: 0.066019s cpu: 0.120768s time_optim: wall: 1.7931s cpu: 3.05719s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e26b1] iter: 26 cost: 2580.94 time_iter: wall: 0.0654555s cpu: 0.114922s time_optim: wall: 1.85855s cpu: 3.17212s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e27b1] iter: 27 cost: 3550.91 time_iter: wall: 0.0661213s cpu: 0.108651s time_optim: wall: 1.92468s cpu: 3.28077s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e28b1] iter: 28 cost: 2595.01 time_iter: wall: 0.0608098s cpu: 0.101498s time_optim: wall: 1.98549s cpu: 3.38226s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e29b1] iter: 29 cost: 2580.52 time_iter: wall: 0.0558579s cpu: 0.100219s time_optim: wall: 2.04134s cpu: 3.48248s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e30b1] iter: 30 cost: 2572.96 time_iter: wall: 0.0576749s cpu: 0.0964017s time_optim: wall: 2.09902s cpu: 3.57888s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e31b1] iter: 31 cost: 2602.02 time_iter: wall: 0.0658728s cpu: 0.116765s time_optim: wall: 2.16489s cpu: 3.69565s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e32b1] iter: 32 cost: 3550.21 time_iter: wall: 0.0657637s cpu: 0.110906s time_optim: wall: 2.23066s cpu: 3.80656s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e33b1] iter: 33 cost: 1624.23 time_iter: wall: 0.0642731s cpu: 0.102772s time_optim: wall: 2.29493s cpu: 3.90933s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e34b1] iter: 34 cost: 3549.94 time_iter: wall: 0.064435s cpu: 0.105091s time_optim: wall: 2.35937s cpu: 4.01442s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e35b1] iter: 35 cost: 2594.06 time_iter: wall: 0.0647286s cpu: 0.110586s time_optim: wall: 2.42409s cpu: 4.125s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e36b1] iter: 36 cost: 3549.66 time_iter: wall: 0.0652132s cpu: 0.113212s time_optim: wall: 2.48931s cpu: 4.23822s
[2020-06-24 18:04:34] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e37b1] iter: 37 cost: 2579.42 time_iter: wall: 0.0674677s cpu: 0.114828s time_optim: wall: 2.55678s cpu: 4.35304s
[2020-06-24 18:04:35] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e38b1] iter: 38 cost: 1623.56 time_iter: wall: 0.0658553s cpu: 0.114328s time_optim: wall: 2.62263s cpu: 4.46737s
[2020-06-24 18:04:35] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0e39b1] iter: 39 cost: 1623.43 time_iter: wall: 0.0654116s cpu: 0.112918s time_optim: wall: 2.68804s cpu: 4.58029s
[2020-06-24 18:04:35] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0] Number of epochs exceeded.
[2020-06-24 18:04:35] [INF] [0:139846005810944/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] [o0] Optimizer status 1, final llh: 2.586267e+03, time: wall: 2.752903 cpu: 4.703666.
[2020-06-24 18:04:36] [INF] [0:139846431197120/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Walltime on master: 4.303210s, CPU time of all processes: 16.887346s
[2020-06-24 18:04:36] [INF] [0:139846431197120/dweindl-ThinkPad-L480] Sent termination signal to workers.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=len(learningRates) + 1, figsize=(10, 20))
for i, learningRate in enumerate(learningRates):
    filename = "deleteme-minibatch-rate-%d/_rank00000.h5" % i
    with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f:
        trajectory = f['/multistarts/0/iterCostFunCost'][:]
    for start in range(trajectory.shape[0]):
        # Individual plot + overlay
        for ax in (axs[i], axs[-1]):
            ax.plot(trajectory[start], label="r%f-s%d"%(learningRate, start), color="C%d"%i)
            ax.set_xlabel("Function evaluation")
            ax.set_title("Comparison of learning rates")